Photo galleries
A green sanctuary
Early spring holds the promise of green, as leaves and shoots will emerge in the coming months. But if you want to see and smell green foliage sooner, you can turn to the D.C. Smith Greenhouse, used to grow plants for classes in UW–Madison's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
A sudden storm erupts into a Battle for Bascom
The years may change, but the snowball fight remains the same. Call it the "snowball effect" of Bascom Hill.
Winter Carnival: Delighting in the ice and snow
UW–Madison's annual Winter Carnival on Feb. 6-9 drew big crowds to the ice and shore of Lake Mendota to skate, ice fish, sled play broomball and hockey and enjoy a freestyle snowboard and ski show.
Sound art: Students turn vinyl records into paintings
Students who painted the vinyl records at the Wheelhouse Studio Free Art Friday event said it was a great way to "relax and chill," and they appreciated that it was free.
An icy start to spring semester
University of Wisconsin–Madison students returning to class on Tuesday were greeted by an Arctic air mass that brought subzero temperatures and 20-below windchills.
A furry, heart-warming study break
The temperatures were in the single digits outside, but five therapy dogs warmed the hands and hearts of UW–Madison students who flocked to the Chazen Art Museum for a study day event on Thursday, Dec. 12.
Friendsgiving is all about the friends — and food
Students gathered to eat and socialize at a Student Friendsgiving meal at the Tripp Commons at the Memorial Union on Nov. 19.
Love is…. Actor, comedian and Native November keynote Jana Schmieding
Lakota Native, actor, comedian and writer Jana Schmieding knows how to tell a good joke. As this year's Native November speaker, she proved that laughter is a big part of how the Indigenous community connects with each other and their culture.
Open Studio Day: A glimpse at artists’ work, from neon to paint to pottery
Over 50 student artists showed their work at the UW–Madison Art Department's Annual Open Studio Day on Saturday, Nov. 2 in the Art Lofts and Humanities Building.
It’s true once again: Badgers vote
Students and other members of the Badgers community voted en masse in the 2024 general election at polling places on campus, including the first presidential vote for many of the younger students,
Badger pride on the march during Homecoming Parade
Madison's State Street was lit up with smiles and cheers during the University of Wisconsin's annual Homecoming Parade on Friday, Oct. 25.
Campus dresses up in red, orange and yellow for fall
It happens each autumn on the UW–Madison campus: Ivy-covered buildings become colorful mosaic backdrops, and maple and oak trees offer a brilliant canopy overhead.
Fun in the name of science
Science on the Square fused with the Madison Night Market on Oct. 17 for a fun and energetic night filled with hands-on science and local vendors in downtown Madison.
An up-close look at climate coverage
Great Lakes Climate Solutions reporter Isabelle “Izzy” Ross visited journalism classes, met with experts in clean energy and learned about Madison’s (and arguably the world’s) most studied lake, Lake Mendota.
Messages kick off Homecoming week
To mark the start of Homecoming week, UW student organizations painted messages on the windows of Memorial Union's Lakeview Lounge and elsewhere on campus on Sunday.
Northern lights dance above campus
Those who got outside after about 9 p.m. on Thursday night enjoyed a show in the sky as the aurora borealis danced above campus.
Maraniss shares insights with journalism class
Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post journalist and bestselling author David Maraniss answered questions from students and shared insights from his career during a Feature Storytelling class at College Library on Wednesday.
2024 winners: Cool Science Image Contest
The winning entries showcase the research, innovation, scholarship and curiosity of the UW–Madison community through traditional fine art techniques used to study the physics of interacting liquids, the surprising and beautiful results of chemical and geological processes, and new ways to manipulate and reveal biological processes.