Tag Student life
Students set study strategies
With final exams beginning on Friday and final assignments due soon, UW–Madison students deployed in libraries and study spots across campus this week in full force.
The many flavors of autumn
International student and University Communications intern Xinlin Jiang shares what the flavors of autumn harvest celebrations and family gatherings mean to her and Badgers from here in Wisconsin and around the world.
Scenes from a spooky Halloween night
On a brisk Halloween night, members of the UW–Madison community got out to celebrate the spookiness across campus.
Fall scenes color UW–Madison’s campus
After an extended summer, UW–Madison's campus transitions to fall colors and cooler weather.
Connection, reflection and celebration mark this year’s Latinx Heritage Month
This year’s Latinx Heritage Month reflected on the connected yet distinct Latinx customs and traditions that have been transplanted across multiple generations, through many spaces, and have found their way to UW–Madison.
A harvest for all from the People’s Farm
Volunteers with The People's Farm student organization celebrated their harvest at the F.H. King garden by giving it all away to the campus community.
From stars to clothes, six student orgs for you
The clubs offer different activities and levels of involvement, but they have the same message to students: Take the plunge and engage in a community on campus.
From medieval armor to improv comedy, there’s a student org for everyone
Looking to find your community, UW students? The Fall Student Organization Fair at the Kohl Center on Sept. 8 featured clubs for every interest.
Student Stories: A rookie’s guide to navigating football frenzy
Even though I didn’t understand the rules or what was going on all the time, one thing was clear: The joy and sense of belonging within Camp Randall Stadium can even make a scorching day feel fervently festive.
UW students take on summer internships worldwide, from Colombia to South Africa
Learning about new cultures and cities has proven to be just as valuable as the internship work itself, say two UW–Madison students who went abroad.
ICYMI: A look back at summer in Madison
Summer in Madison is a lot of things, but it's definitely not boring. In case you missed it, here's a look back at some highlights from summer 2023.
Madison becomes second hometown for international students
Every year, more than 6,000 students from more than 112 countries venture across oceans and/or lands to join the vibrant campus community.
High school twins show Badger spirit on ‘Today Show’
After rooming together for 18 years, twins David and Jacob Wang expect to live separately and have different majors at UW–Madison. But they'll maintain the closeness they've always had.
How to be a Badger while away from campus for the summer
Social media and electronic communications have made it easier to keep in touch with fellow Badgers all over, as well as campus happenings.
Nurtured at UW, East of Vilas rocks the local music scene
East of Vilas got its start at a UW–Madison learning community, and now the band is performing all over Madison, part of a thriving local music scene.
UW–Madison mock trial team places 11th at nationals
Mock trial teams argue a simulated court case, preparing both a defense case and a prosecution/plaintiff case.
Campus blossoms
Warming temperatures last week brought campus to its full spring glory, as flowers bloomed and the lawns and docks filled with students talking and playing games.
Badgers celebrate National Student Employment Week
This April 10-13, students at the University of Wisconsin–Madison celebrated National Student Employment Week with a blend of in-person and virtual events acknowledging the…
5 student entrepreneurs to keep an eye on
An incubator in its own right, UW–Madison creates the conditions for emerging entrepreneurs to take flight