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Category Health & Wellness

Leadership institute aims to help researchers target health disparities

June 10, 2016

The week-long “research boot camp” is for investigators, particularly from underrepresented communities, doing research on health disparities and health equity.

Cancer treatment spinoff takes top honor in life science at Governor’s Business Plan Contest

June 9, 2016

Lynx Biosciences is developing technology to choose the drug most likely to benefit a blood cancer patient by analyzing how the tumor cells respond.

Benefits of dance for older adults with Parkinson’s to be highlighted

May 31, 2016

The Summer Institute on Mental Disorders and the Older Adult will offer new strategies for social workers, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists and physicians.

Milwaukee foundation supports early-career faculty’s innovative research

May 26, 2016

For their distinct and innovative molecular research, two University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists have earned Shaw Scientist Awards from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. Feyza Engin, assistant professor of biomolecular chemistry, and Srivatsan Raman, assistant professor of biochemistry, will each receive $200,000 in seed funding to advance their work. For more than 30 years, the Shaw Scientist Program has supported early career investigators pursuing promising ideas in biochemistry, biological sciences and cancer research.

UW technology key to growth as firm stays in Madison long after sale

May 18, 2016

The explosion in next-generation sequencing has opened windows throughout medicine and biology.

Researchers track critical development in the young brain

May 4, 2016

The study is an important first step toward understanding a vital stage of early human development.

Brenner’s simpler fertility test is basis for promising UW–Madison spinoff

April 28, 2016

BluDiagnostics co-founder Katie Brenner says the idea came directly from her own difficulty with conception.

Scientists describe new model to enhance Zika virus research

April 19, 2016

The model will allow researchers to better understand how the virus causes disease and aid in the development of vaccines.

When inhaling media erodes attention, exhaling provides focus

April 18, 2016

For people who text while watching TV or listen to music while reading, sharpening their focus may be as simple as breathing.

Helping seniors stay active, independent through fitness

April 5, 2016

We all know that exercise is good for us. Yet becoming active late in life comes with a unique set of challenges.