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Category Health & Wellness

Josh Medow: Critical care for the brain

September 3, 2015

At Joshua Medow's first job, in the Neurocritical Intensive Care Unit at UW Hospital and Clinics, he saves lives. His patients have endured strokes, car accidents and shootings.

Genetic approaches to cancer, neural development lead to honor for UW–Madison scientists

May 21, 2015

Two University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers - one investigating the genetic basis of cancer growth and the other, the role of genes in neural development and learning - have earned funding and a prestigious honor from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation.

Brief alcohol screening misses mark for people who most need help, study says

May 19, 2015

As screening for alcohol problems during doctor visits has become more mainstream, a new study published in the journal Addiction finds that the technique does not increase successful referrals to alcohol counseling and treatment.