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Stereotypes can be self-reinforcing, stubborn even without any supporting evidence

August 2, 2022

In the study, people who got feedback that largely ran counter to stereotypes didn’t learn from that feedback, continued stereotyping at their same rate despite the feedback saying that the stereotypes were inaccurate.

Enzyme, proteins work together to tidy up tail ends of DNA in dividing cells

August 1, 2022

The research provides insight into how a human cell preserves the integrity of its DNA through repeated cell division.

More news, more worry during pandemic

July 20, 2022

“What we’d hope is that you could counter uncertainty by learning more about the world ... (but) that wasn’t the case with COVID-19," says researcher Markus Brauer. "Higher media consumption — seeking out the news — was associated with more emotional distress.”

Evolving to outpace climate change, tiny marine animal provides new evidence of long-theorized genetic mechanism

July 14, 2022

The evolution experiment is new evidence of a genetic mechanism called positive epistasis, in which the positive effect of a variant of a gene is amplified when working in combination with other key genes.

Haveman was instrumental in founding of UW’s La Follette School

July 12, 2022

Robert Haveman, former director of the La Follette School of Public Affairs and the Institute for Research on Poverty, died June 18. He is being remembered as "a world-class scholar, teacher and public servant.”

Research Cores Initiative helps replace equipment and enhance services

July 12, 2022

Cores are unique spaces where researchers can consult with technical experts. But the shared instruments, equipment and other resources they depend on have a limited lifespan.

Nuclear war would turn oceans upside down, crash food web

July 8, 2022

It would result in cooling so strong it would extend sea ice and render impassable major seaports that are now open year-round, and would likely cause significant damage to much of the ocean food web.

Unexpected link between most common cancer drivers may yield more effective drugs

July 7, 2022

A UW–Madison research team has discovered a direct link between cellular pathways that make promising targets for new cancer treatments.

Chemist Randall Goldsmith named a Schmidt Science Polymath

July 5, 2022

The UW–Madison professor's multidisciplinary approach to studying chemical and biophysical systems earned a $2.5 million award from the philanthropic organization founded by the former CEO of Google.

New study allows researchers to more efficiently form human heart cells from stem cells

July 1, 2022

The heart muscle cells, according to the UW–Madison Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center, could be useful for cardiac repair, regeneration and cell therapy.

Erin Silva named endowed chair in organic agriculture and outreach

June 21, 2022

The new chair, established through a $1 million endowment from Clif Bar & Company, was created to support the advancement of organic agriculture through dedicated research and outreach programs.

UW scientist wins Blue Planet Prize

June 21, 2022

Steve Carpenter, one of the world’s foremost lake ecologists, has been awarded an international prize for scientific research that has helped provide solutions to global environmental problems.

Speed and dense gas bend jets of matter streaming away from some galaxy centers

June 13, 2022

Understanding the environment that shapes jet direction helps astronomers understand how galaxies evolve, but just how the matter is launched away from a black hole is an open question.

Altered gene helps plants absorb more carbon dioxide, produce more useful compounds

June 8, 2022

If scientists could add a trait like this to crops or drug-producing plants, it could help them produce more chemicals naturally while reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.