Category Society & Culture
Report: Focusing on advanced energy sensors and controls could mean 44,000 jobs for Wisconsin
With targeted investments and forward-looking policies, Wisconsin could capitalize on its strengths in sensors and controls for the advanced energy industry to drive economic growth and support over 44,000 jobs annually.
Cakes make for delicious, approachable science outreach
For 14 years, Ahna Skop, a professor of genetics, has baked a cake to celebrate each of her lab’s academic publications and graduating students.
Scouting the eagles: Evidence that protecting nests aids reproduction
Reproduction among bald eagles in a remote national park in Minnesota was aided when their nests were protected from human disturbance, according to a new study.
Wisconsin corridor turns testbed for connected vehicle technology
A team of UW–Madison researchers and Madison traffic engineers are establishing a testbed for a connected vehicle corridor on Madison's Park Street, to explore the future of transportation technology.
Report: MMSD 4K students demonstrate stronger literacy, behavior skills
A new report shows that students who enrolled in Madison schools' 4K classes experienced slightly stronger literacy skills and slightly higher engagement than comparable students who didn't take the classes.
Religious holidays 101: Quick-start guide to learning about holidays beyond Christmas
As winter break begins, many students have Christmas on the brain. But students who are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or other faiths don’t have that same experience. Learn about some of the amazing holidays of other major religions.
MLK Day Celebration to include speakers, art project, volunteering
UW-Madison students, faculty and staff are invited to the 2018 UW–Madison MLK Day Celebration on Monday, Jan. 22 from 3 to 8 p.m. in Memorial Union.
Cramer leaves legacy at Morgridge Center, returns as full-time professor
Kathy Cramer is stepping down as the faculty director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service and returning to a full-time position as a professor in the Political Science department at UW–Madison.
Violence a matter of scale, not quantity, researchers show
New research shows that the size of a society’s population is what drives the size of its “war group,” or number of people of fighting age who defend it.
Never too late: Alum to participate in winter commencement 50 years after earning degree
Fifty years after earning his doctorate from UW–Madison, Luciano Barraza finally will participate in the commencement ceremony, thanks to his grandson.
Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic director selected for new business law fellowship
Anne Smith hopes to use the fellowship to advance a new strategic initiative that would allow the clinic to automate some of its processes so it can serve more clients.
Writers’ Institute gives aspiring authors a ‘Pathway to Publication’
The 2018 conference will help writers make sense of today’s confusing publishing landscape and find their own route to success.
JSA event celebrates Asian culture
The richness and diversity of Asian culture were on display at a cultural celebration Saturday at Ingraham Hall sponsored by the Japanese Student Association.