Category Health & Wellness
Report shows much room for improvement in Wisconsin’s health
The report by researchers at the UW Population Health Institute gives Wisconsin a grade of B– for overall health, and warns that we are falling behind other states.
Awake despite anesthesia? Study finds risk lower than thought
A new study found that, contrary to many previous studies, just more than 4 percent of surgical patients were conscious while under general anesthesia. None remembered it afterward.
Emeritus Professor Jack Fowler, pioneer in radiation biology, dies at 91
A physicist by training, Fowler gradually shifted his research emphasis and is considered one of the founders of modern radiation biology.
Cancer signaling pathway could illuminate new avenue to therapy
The study could establish new avenues of therapeutic treatments for many types of solid tumors.
Nurses keep hospital patients moving with help from UW researchers
UW–Madison School of Nursing researchers set out to get hospital patients on their feet and walking — movement that could drastically change the shape in which they leave the hospital. They found success in a 13-week pilot study with the help of nurses in a unit at the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison.
Invention could help diabetics with safer, surer insulin injections
Shawn Michels, a UW–Madison student and diabetic, has invented an add-on to conventional insulin pens that allows users to make their injections with one hand.
Morgridge ‘prototype pathway’ yields a novel organ transplant technology
A group composed mostly of UW–Madison student engineers has come up with a design to better cool organs before transplantation.
Video: Exercise can relieve student stress, boost grades
Many students find that exercise — such as running or yoga — can relieve stress, and experts say it even leads to a higher GPA.
Summit seeks to recruit more American Indian nurses
The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing is hosting a one-day Native Nations Nursing Summit on Nov. 4 as part of an ongoing effort to increase the number of nurses from American Indian communities.
Program recognized for advancing education of Wisconsin nurses
The BSN@Home program is an online bachelor’s degree-completion program that provides a flexible distance learning option for busy registered nurses.
Students, professor honored for scholarship, community service
Two UW–Madison seniors and a professor have been recognized by the Alliant Energy Foundation and the University of Wisconsin System for their outstanding achievements.
Alumnus’s startup seeks more precise screening for prostate cancer
Success will take years, but if the noninvasive screening test works, it could aid in early detection of a cancer that kills about 26,000 American men every year.