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Chancellor Blank message about positive COVID-19 test

May 18, 2022

Chancellor Blank shares news of a positive COVID-19 test.

UW-Madison professor appointed to commission addressing violent crime against Indigenous Americans

May 18, 2022

Grace Bulltail’s research centers on natural resource management, tribal resource sovereignty and environmental justice in Indigenous communities.

2022 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony honors 149 outstanding UW–Madison students

May 18, 2022

A total of 107 students received Wisconsin Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships, which support undergraduate research done in collaboration with a faculty or staff member.

The Service Building: Making campus go for more than a century

May 18, 2022

Soon, the Service Building and Service Annex will be torn down to make way for the new School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS) building. Its operations, including the sheet metal shop, the lock shop and the carpentry workshop — are moving to locations around campus.

5 questions with Jennifer Mnookin

May 17, 2022

UW–Madison's next chancellor answers: What excites you most about becoming a Badger? How would you describe your personality? How would you describe your leadership style? How do you see your role as chancellor? Are there similarities between your legal background and your new role?

A big ‘thank you’ from Partners in Giving

May 16, 2022

Now that the 2021-22 Partners in Giving campaign season came to a close on May 15, the University Coordinating…

The search for how life on Earth transformed from simple to complex

May 16, 2022

A new NASA collaboration of astrobiology researchers co-led by a UW–Madison professor will spend the next five years dedicating their efforts to understanding how life evolved on earth, and how it possibly could evolve on other worlds.

86 new members join Phi Kappa Phi at UW–Madison

May 16, 2022

Phi Kappa Phi recognizes the achievements of the most outstanding students in every school and college at UW–Madison.

Cutting air pollution emissions would save 50,000 U.S. lives, $600 billion each year

May 16, 2022

Eliminating air pollution emissions from energy-related activities in the United States would prevent more than 50,000 premature deaths each year and provide more than $600…

Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield meets with students

May 14, 2022

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, spoke with a select group of students from the political science and African studies programs, as well as the King-Morgridge Scholars.

As commencement ceremonies near, keep weather in mind

May 13, 2022

This being Wisconsin, the weather is unpredictable and ever changeable. Here are a few things to keep in mind.