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Category Science & Technology

‘Origins’ scientists to take your questions Thursday during Reddit AMA

May 1, 2018

Ever wondered what it’s like to unearth a long-buried human ancestor? Or to peer into the night sky to discover the mysteries of galaxy evolution? Find out Thursday.

Bird observing course an experience in finding passion for nature

April 25, 2018

In the Birds of Southern Wisconsin course, students must sometimes brave the elements to collect observations of Wisconsin’s overwintering and migratory birds.

In ‘Origins,’ UW–Madison and South African scientists tackle mysteries of our shared beginnings

April 23, 2018

The quest to understand our beginnings — of our universe, of life on Earth, of our species — inspires people all over the world. At UW–Madison, researchers have forged partnerships with colleagues in South Africa and are uncovering answers and opening new scientific frontiers.

Newest Badgerloop Pod unveiled

April 20, 2018

The UW–Madison Badgerloop team Thursday revealed Badgerloop Pod III — its latest entry into the 2018 SpaceX Hyperloop Competition, an event designed to spur new ideas about an ultrafast, futuristic form of transportation.

Curious Madisonian still innovating, designing, improving 35 years after UW–Madison graduation

April 20, 2018

Bruce Winkler has invented, designed or facilitated an amazing range of devices since he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from UW–Madison in 1983.

Driverless shuttle to deliver rides at UW–Madison April 24–25

April 17, 2018

Members of the public can ride in an Autonom Shuttle from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. The College of Engineering is home to the Wisconsin Automated Vehicle Proving Grounds.

Women’s Shop Night a hit in Biological Systems Engineering

April 17, 2018

The Biological Systems Engineering department created a bi-weekly Women’s Shop Night to encourage more women to get hands-on experience in design and fabrication, and it's been a big success.

Stem cell symposium to highlight clinical trials, safety and regulation

April 17, 2018

Speakers at the annual Wisconsin Stem Cell Symposium will discuss clinical trials involving stem cells, safety considerations and the regulatory environment under which ongoing stem cell work takes place.

Two UW–Madison students named Goldwater Scholars; two receive honorable mentions

April 17, 2018

The Goldwater Scholarship is considered the most prestigious undergraduate scholarship in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering in America.

Line-skipping business takes top honors at UW–Madison innovation competition

April 17, 2018

Selected from among 35 student teams and student-led start-up companies, LineLeap received the $15,000 Qualcomm grand prize in the 2018 Transcend Madison Innovation Competition.

Four computer-science business ideas win, and one already has customers

April 12, 2018

Competitions that encourage entrepreneurship are fundamental to economic and social progress in Wisconsin, the contest organizer says.

How talking more can make you better at listening — to foreign languages

April 11, 2018

The typical foreign language class spends much of its time listening to fluent speakers, but new UW research shows that the students should spend more time talking.

Snowfall patterns may provide clues to Greenland Ice Sheet

April 9, 2018

A new UW–Madison study describes a unique method to measure snowfall on the Greenland Ice Sheet that could help answer some key questions.

Grad student researches native bee habitats in urban areas

April 6, 2018

In surveying Madison’s native bee populations, Vera Pfeiffer hopes to provide a better, more informed context for policies that can make the habitats we share with pollinators more biodiverse.

26 UW–Madison students awarded prestigious NSF fellowships

April 6, 2018

The NSF fellowship program selects high-potential scientists and engineers in the early stages of their careers, providing awardees with support for graduate research training in STEM fields.

Waisman Center welcomes a center leader to director position

April 5, 2018

Qiang Chang, a longstanding member of the University of Wisconsin–Madison Waisman Center’s leadership team, has been named the new director of the center following a nationwide search.