Tag Student life
Multicultural Student Center honors graduates, student leaders
Students and staff celebrated the end of the year with a ceremony and awarding of embroidered stoles to wear with caps and gowns.
Leadership Certificate awarded to 75 UW–Madison students
At the University of Wisconsin–Madison, a certificate program — similar to a minor at other universities — offers a chance for students to show their…
Meyerhoff Awards recognize student leadership, service and scholarship
Over two dozen students, selected by campus academic and student affairs organizations, received the honor in recognition of leadership, service and scholarship.
Laverne Cox visits
Cox, an actress and advocate for moving beyond traditional gender expectations, spoke on campus Monday as part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate Distinguished Lecture Series.
More than 150 new members join Phi Beta Kappa at UW–Madison
158 students and two faculty members were honored at the 2016 spring banquet.
Student Personnel Association honors seven student services professionals
The organization exists to create cross-campus connections among people who work with students to support, enhance and reinforce the UW's learning mission.
Students present creative innovation at New Arts Venture Challenge
Funding pitches to investors tend to relate to innovative ideas in science, engineering or business. At the University of Wisconsin–Madison, a campus wide competition has…
Common ‘Threads’ displayed at SoHE student fashion show
Students in the Textiles and Fashion Design Program in the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s School of Human Ecology presented “Threads 2016: IMPACT” on Saturday, April 30…
Student-run business makes its imprint on campus
StudentPrint holds a t-shirt hang on Bascom Hill every fall. The student-run business works with hundreds of student organizations to create customized posters, buttons,…
E-cigarettes, other changes covered by smoke-free policy updates
Current policy is silent on electronic smoking devices and many students and employees have requested clarification.
CLI Spring Open House celebrates leadership development
The Coordinated Leadership Initiative has positively impacted curriculum, student organizations and employee engagement.
YouW Profile: Madeline Horan, WUD Music Committee
Junior Madeline Horan, majoring in Communication Science and Disorders, is an active member of the Wisconsin Union Directorate Music Committee. Members book, promote, and cover shows…
Undergraduate Symposium gives student researchers the chance to shine
More than 500 student presenters came together to showcase their creativity, achievement, research and service learning.