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Category Society & Culture

UW-Madison celebrates 50th anniversary of Consortium for Graduate Study in Management

June 8, 2016

The Consortium's mission is to enhance diversity in business education and management careers in the United States. The UW has been there from the beginning.

Conference will translate distance learning technology research into practice

June 7, 2016

Drawing on current research, the Distance Teaching & Learning conference will explore technology-enabled teaching environments, including virtual reality and multimedia.

UW-Madison professor offers ‘Big Picture’ advice for new graduates

June 7, 2016

Graduation is a time for celebration, but it can also be filled with questions about the future. Christine B. Whelan remembers those days well.

UW-Madison offers professional development certificate focused on ‘soft skills’

June 3, 2016

Surveys of senior-level executives indicate that businesses require competence in these areas and often find applicants lacking.

Benefits of dance for older adults with Parkinson’s to be highlighted

May 31, 2016

The Summer Institute on Mental Disorders and the Older Adult will offer new strategies for social workers, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists and physicians.

Free online course empowers college STEM instructors to improve their teaching

May 31, 2016

Participants will learn innovative teaching strategies as well as how to collect data on how well these approaches are in their own classrooms.

Deciding for others is more fun than doing it for ourselves, research shows

May 26, 2016

  Making decisions can be tiring, but choosing a course of action for others is less draining and more enjoyable than when we do it…

Video: The Class of 2016, in their own words

May 19, 2016

Who are they thankful for? Where do they hope to work? What will they remember fondly? What surprised them? And what if they'd known then what they know now?

Multicultural Student Center honors graduates, student leaders

May 11, 2016

Students and staff celebrated the end of the year with a ceremony and awarding of embroidered stoles to wear with caps and gowns.

Common ‘Threads’ displayed at SoHE student fashion show

May 4, 2016

Students in the Textiles and Fashion Design Program in the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s School of Human Ecology presented “Threads 2016: IMPACT” on Saturday, April 30…

Well-traveled journalist to visit campus as Science Writer in Residence

April 14, 2016

Alexandra "Alex" Witze, a contributing correspondent for Nature and Science News magazines, will be on campus for a week beginning April 18.

No typical day in artist in residence’s classroom

April 12, 2016

Amy Franceschini’s class may be unconventional at times, but it’s teaching important lessons about social change and uncertainty.

Two members of UW community honored for advancing status of women

April 7, 2016

Lori DiPrete Brown, associate director for education at the Global Health Institute, and Robert Golden, dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health, are this year's winners.

Donna Shalala keynote speaker for UW–Madison Global Summit for Women

April 7, 2016

The former UW–Madison chancellor will consider the status of women and well-being in Wisconsin and the world.