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Category Health & Wellness

Study: Medicaid Expansion Helped Reduce Reliance on Federal Income Assistance

August 8, 2017

“A rigorous debate about redesigning Medicaid requires accounting for the secondary effects of Medicaid on public programs beyond the health care sector,” said Dr. Marguerite Burns, assistant professor in Population Health Sciences.

UW Hmong-American nurse brings her community to the doctor’s office

August 4, 2017

Maichou Lor developed new survey tools that she hopes can help close gaps in access to care among her own community and other underserved populations.

Near-miracle stroke survivor heading for repeat vacation at “Stroke Camp”

July 31, 2017

The Wisconsin Refresh and Retreat Stroke Camp is part of a national network of weekends – think summer camp – for people recovering from strokes and those who for care for them.

Mosquito-spread encephalitis found in Wisconsin horses

July 28, 2017

A wet and warm summer — much like last year, when EEE virus infected 18 horses in 11 Wisconsin counties — makes for good mosquito habitat and conditions conducive to the spread of viruses like EEE and West Nile virus.

Advance furthers stem cells for use in drug discovery, cell therapy

July 14, 2017

UW–Madison researchers have invented an all-chemical replacement for  the confusing, even dangerous materials, now used to grow stem cells.

Study reveals interplay of an African bat, a parasite and a virus

July 13, 2017

The role of bat parasites in maintaining chains of viral infection is little studied, and the new study serves up some intriguing insights into how viruses co-opt parasites to help do the dirty work of disease transmission.

School of Nursing receives grant to expand Native American enrollment

July 12, 2017

Two faculty members at the UW–Madison School of Nursing have received a $1.3 million federal grant to develop a comprehensive system of support services that will help admit, retain and graduate 30 Native American nursing students over the next four years.

Made-in-Madison skin replacement starts final clinical trial

July 12, 2017

A University of Wisconsin–Madison spinoff that makes an innovative material designed to speed healing of serious burns has begun a large clinical trial for the “regenerative skin tissue” it has been developing since 2000.

Study links insurance coverage to higher rates of colorectal cancer screenings

July 11, 2017

As the nation debates whether and how health insurance should be reformed, researchers at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health determined that people with a certain type of insurance policy were more likely to be screened for colorectal cancer.

UW-Madison advisory board aids cancer treatment statewide

June 29, 2017

The Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board has a dual mission: consulting with oncologists statewide about targeted drugs to battle out-of-control cancers; and amassing data on what works and what does not.

Medical students join program to get more physicians into rural Wisconsin

June 29, 2017

The students will spend time in Green Bay, La Crosse, Marshfield, and surrounding communities through the Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine.

Peanut family secret for making chemical building blocks revealed

June 26, 2017

As you bite into your next peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chew on this: The peanut you’re eating has a secret.

Plan tests ancient Chinese tradition to help elders with balance

June 23, 2017

Could a stripped-down tai chi class, taught in just 12 sessions and also practiced at home, improve balance in people over age 65 who were concerned about balance?