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Tag UW impact

UW–Madison helps confront rural health crisis

April 4, 2019

Multiple UW–Madison sources are interviewed in "Medicine on Main Street," a new WPT documentary about the health care challenges rural areas of Wisconsin are facing and what is being done to meet them. The program debuts Monday, April 8, at 9:30 p.m.

A vision for rural eye care

March 5, 2019

Eye doctors are in short supply in rural Wisconsin, sometimes requiring patients to make a long drive to a distant city for an exam. But the UW Health Teleophthalmology program has a camera that can be used in remote locations to take photos of a person’s eyes, with the exam then being read by university-level ophthalmologists.

Aaron Perry is changing how his community perceives and experiences health

December 12, 2018

Through the Black Men’s Wellness Sustainable Initiative, Aaron Perry is using a grant from the Wisconsin Partnership Program in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health to change how his community perceives and experiences health.

Advanced alloy firm cuts costs with help from UW’s ‘lean operations’ expertise

December 5, 2018

Winsert Inc., a Marinette, Wisconsin, supplier of high-tech metal and parts to manufacturers around the globe, continues to gain from its longstanding relationship with Engineering Professional Development at UW–Madison.

Bridging the gap: Teaching bridge safety to next generation of railroaders

November 12, 2018

After taking an Engineering Professional Development class at UW–Madison, these professionals will be in a better position to ensure safety on rails that carry passengers, freight and flammable or toxic chemicals.

Nursing pioneer Signe Skott Cooper: From the farm to the battlefield

November 11, 2018

Cooper devoted more than 60 years to nursing education at UW–Madison and within the UW System. Her wartime service shaped her life, personally and professionally.

Special education teacher residency program launched

November 9, 2018

Forty graduate students from the School of Education will work with students with disabilities in high-need and small, rural school districts across Wisconsin, where "special educators are sorely needed."

$19M grant to aid research on early signs of Alzheimer’s

September 27, 2018

The Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention has received a five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health for an in-depth study of molecular signs of the disease in brain and spinal fluid.

Brand New Badger: Incoming freshman started a flourishing charity — at age 12

September 19, 2018

As a 12-year-old, Max Bobholz starte a nonprofit that collects used baseball equipment and distributes it to underprivileged children in Africa. Now he's a freshman at UW–Madison.

Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab has new director, new direction

September 7, 2018

UW–Madison veterinarian Keith Poulsen will head the agency, which plays a critical role in preserving animal health and the integrity of the state’s animal production industry.

Local high school students participate in UW–Madison paid internship program

August 1, 2018

Seven high school students are working in UW–Madison's Small Animal Hospital as part of a new program that exposes high schoolers to careers and curriculum in the health sciences.

Bucking trends, these Wisconsin communities attract, keep young adults. How?

July 9, 2018

UW-Madison researchers took a look at how Omro, De Pere and some other towns have been able to grow. Factors include good schools, affordable housing and access to a larger city via an interstate highway.

Stem cell summer camp inspiring early careers in science and technology

June 25, 2018

The Morgridge Rural Summer Science Camp has allowed more than 500 high-academic achievers from across the state to spend a week learning from leaders in stem cell research, a field that UW–Madison helped make famous.

‘Science in Motion’ takes chemistry on the road across Wisconsin

June 15, 2018

Disappearing packing peanuts, floating mugs, color-changing solutions and skewered balloons captivated a room full of elementary students and their teachers in the style of a magic show.

Barbershop health center will broaden its efforts to reduce health disparities with community grant

June 5, 2018

Aaron Perry, a former UW–Madison police officer who is living with diabetes, has spent years unraveling the complex relationship between black men and the world-class health care system in Dane County. He founded the non-profit Rebalanced-Life Wellness Association in 2007 to help other black men with diabetes and reduce health disparities in his community.

Public input sought on state roadmap for global language education

June 4, 2018

As Wisconsin competes in an increasingly global economy, business and education leaders are seeking feedback on a "language roadmap."

Meet the Class of 2018: Making their mark on campus and beyond

May 6, 2018

Through research, advocacy, community service and humor, these eight members of the Class of 2018 illustrate the impact Badgers can have on the world around them.