Tag UW impact
Center for Corporate Innovation opens at UW–Madison
The center will give corporate executives a new way to develop the skills and tools they need to thrive in today’s fast-paced business world.
UW-Madison program conveys progress to Oconto manufacturer
Conveyor maker Nercon's leaders learned new productivity techniques from UW–Madison's Engineering Professional Development department.
Wisconsin Idea seminar showcases Badger state to UW–Madison faculty, staff
A five-day tour that has become a staple of the Wisconsin Idea will introduce dozens of UW–Madison faculty and academic staff to the geography, culture and history of Wisconsin.
UniverCity Alliance: Resources and savings for Wisconsin cities
The UniverCity Alliance provides communities with resources to help develop solutions for urban growth and development issues. Monona is the first participating city; partnerships in other Wisconsin locations will follow.
UW-Madison spinoff releases new module to help women, doctors decide on mammogram
HealthDecision, LLC, a 7-year old startup with deep roots at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has just released the fourth module in a series intended to help doctors and patients share decisions.
Nuts and bolts business meets 21st century tech, with help from UW
Endries International has made key advances with the help of the UW E-Business Consortium, a collaborative group of businesses founded in 1998 at the UW–Madison College of Engineering.
With $1.1 million grant, ‘public humanities’ program gains ground
“Engaging the Humanities” is a UW–Madison program launched to help graduate students in the humanities explore rewarding careers beyond academia.
Northwoods Tour project helps preserve everyone’s history
A UW–Madison team recognized the significance of preserving home videos and other personal histories in new and reliable formats. To share that expertise across the state, they launched a project called the Northwoods Tour.
Farming for Flavor: Seed to kitchen initiative creates more than a culinary connection
The Seed to Kitchen Initiative from the Department of Horticulture at UW–Madison brings together chefs, farmers and plant breeders to promote vegetable variety characteristics important to local food systems, such as flavor, fresh-market quality and agronomic performance on smaller-scale farms.
Summit seeks to recruit more American Indian nurses
The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Nursing is hosting a one-day Native Nations Nursing Summit on Nov. 4 as part of an ongoing effort to increase the number of nurses from American Indian communities.
Wisconsin Science Festival: It’s not just a Madison thing
The Wisconsin Science Festival passed a milestone this year, says organizer Laura Heisler of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation at UW–Madison. "For the first time, we had more activities and events outside Madison than inside Madison."
UW–Madison teams up with Madison police to foster officer well-being
The collaboration will focus on whether mindfulness-based practices can help improve officers’ abilities to manage their daily and occupational stressors.
Wisconsin Law School mobile center offers free legal aid to veterans
MADISON – Nearly 300 veterans have been offered free legal assistance since the University of Wisconsin Law School started its Veterans Law Center in November 2012. Laura Smythe wants to help more.
UW professor helps promote sustainability throughout the state
Tom Eggert and his colleagues at UW–Madison are helping businesses showcase their sustainable practices through the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council.