Tag City of Madison
UW-Madison joins national leaders to discuss plan to promote high-tech growth
Madison has become a hotbed of innovation and economic activity that is nearly unique beyond the coasts, with major developments in health technology, information technology, and biotechnology, according to a recent report.
A connection with the community
Community members met with UW–Madison program representatives — and even Bucky Badger — at the South Madison Community Partnership event held in Villager Mall on Sept. 12.
Madison’s streets were named after early U.S. revolutionaries
In Philadelphia, streets at right angles to Delaware street are named after American trees. In Washington, some streets are named after the states to which they lead. In Madison, nearly every major street was named after a signer of the constitution, thanks to James Doty, a politician and land speculator.
UW employee killed in Thursday incident
A University of Wisconsin–Madison employee was killed in a Thursday incident on Lake Street near Mendota Court.