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Category Society & Culture

Moments in Time: Photographers’ Choice 2015

December 17, 2015

This now-annual collection of photographs compiled by University Communications photographers Jeff Miller and Bryce Richter highlights some of the decisive moments of 2015.

From page to poster: Business students create art inspired by ‘Go Big Read’ selection

October 20, 2015

Students from the Wisconsin School of Business use silk-screening techniques to create posters as part of a Just Mercy Printmaking Project. The students…

$28 million to support art education: Chazens pledge pieces from personal collection

September 25, 2015

Alumni Jerome and Simona Chazen have pledged to give $35 million to advance the Chazen Museum and art education on campus.

World premiere expresses UW–Madison professor’s feelings about species extinction

May 5, 2015

In 2012, when UW–Madison music Professor Laura Schwendinger started working on her second string quartet — one that is her response to species extinctions — the Javan Rhino was considered endangered. Now it is the most threatened of the five rhino species, with just 35 remaining in Java, Indonesia. That, says Schwendinger, highlights “just how pressing the issues I wish to present with my quartet are.”

Recent sightings: Creating Madison’s largest glass ornament

December 12, 2014

The glass artists known as Mad Gaffers are going festive with a series of holiday events this Thursday through Sunday at the UW Glass Lab. Participants can create a glass ornament of their own, watch Mad Gaffers blow the largest one in Madison, and shop for gifts at the club’s annual Holiday Sale.