Photo gallery Mnookin gets a Madison preview
During an eight-day visit to campus and the community last week, Jennifer Mnookin — who will begin her duties as UW–Madison’s next chancellor on Aug. 4 — met with students, staff and stakeholders and toured key campus facilities in preparation for her new role. Mnookin’s packed schedule ranged from introductions and issue briefings to such mundane but important matters as having her computer set up and her Wiscard ID photo taken.

Photo by: Jeff Miller
UW–Madison Chancellor-designate Jennifer Mnookin is pictured at the Memorial Union Terrace.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Matt Mayrl, chief of staff to departing Chancellor Rebecca Blank, escorts Mnookin to her new office in Bascom Hall.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Mnookin talks with (left to right) Chris Walker, dance professor and director of the Division of the Arts; Adam Nelson, interim dean of the School of Education; and Kacie Lucchini Butcher, director of the Public History Project, during a reception at the Chazen Museum of Art.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Mnookin talks with Andrea Mason (left), professor and chairperson in the School of Education’s Department of Kinesiology, and Lauren Papp, associate dean and professor in the School of Human Ecology, during the Chazen reception.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Mnookin tells incoming students at SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising and Registration) that she is as excited about her new opportunities as they are, and will be learning about the UW–Madison campus right alongside them.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Lori Reesor (foreground, left), vice chancellor for student affairs, and Mnookin (right) meet with a group of student leaders over lunch at the Memorial Union. At center, Ndemazea Fonkem responds to Mnookin’s question to each of the students about what they don’t want to change at UW–Madison and where they see room for improvement.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Campus and Visitor Relations student guides Haakon Schriefer (left) and Julia Nestel (second from right) lead Mnookin and Reesor along East Campus Mall during a walking tour of campus.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Mnookin photographs the incline track at the Nicholas Recreation Center to share with her son Isaac, a rising junior and track sprinter at the University of Chicago.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Claudia Guzmán, director of the Multicultural Student Center, leads Mnookin on a tour of the Latinx Cultural Center in the Red Gym.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Mnookin shakes hands with Leticia Alavez-Lopez, a student intern with the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement, on a tour of student cultural centers.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Ruthanne Chun (left), clinical professor in the School of Veterinary Medicine, leads Mnookin on a tour of small animal clinic operations at UW Veterinary Care.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Not every campus has cows, but this is UW–Madison — where one resident was herd to say, "Welcome, Chancellor Mnoooookin!"