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Category Science & Technology

UW–Madison to expand COVID-19 testing in spring

November 5, 2020

To accommodate more regular and frequent COVID-19 testing of all students and employees on campus in the spring semester, UW–Madison will partner with Shield T3, a subsidiary of the University of Illinois System.

Thesis-writing program shares joy of scientific research

November 5, 2020

The Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy Thesis Award Program’s mission is to both promote science literacy among the public and recruit future generations to careers in scientific research with an approachable look at the latest findings.

‘All Ways Forward’ campaign extended

October 30, 2020

The multiyear campaign to raise much-needed funding for UW–Madison priorities has been extended until Dec. 31, 2021, Chancellor Rebecca Blank announced Thursday.

WARF announces annual grant for UW research

October 29, 2020

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, which obtains patents on UW inventions and licenses them to industry, has granted the university and the Morgridge Institute for Research a combined $100.3 million for 2020-21.

Cellular networks vulnerable to wildfires across U.S.

October 27, 2020

More than 430,000 cell network transceivers covering approximately 85 million people are in areas the U.S. Forest Service considers at moderate or high wildfire risk.

Surprising communication between atoms could improve quantum computing

October 23, 2020

A group of UW physicists has identified conditions under which relatively distant atoms communicate with each other in ways that had previously only been seen in atoms closer together.

Gimlet’s Kendra Pierre-Louis to visit virtually as Science Writer in Residence

October 20, 2020

As a climate reporter on the new podcast "How to Save a Planet," Pierre-Louis discusses everything from the surprising benefits of trees to why everyone needs a “go bag” — and friendly neighbors — in a disaster.

American Physical Society bestows top honors on two UW scientists

October 20, 2020

Physics professor Vernon Barger won the J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, and chemistry professor Martin Zanni was the recipient of the Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy & Dynamics.

UW grad student shares hands-on physics, art lessons with local fifth graders

October 16, 2020

Students took breaks from all-electronic assignments to work with take-home kits that let them explore the physics of light while creating art.

UW–Madison supports largest solar development in Dane County

October 16, 2020

The university will purchase half of the energy produced by a 20-megawatt solar array that Madison Gas and Electric plans to build south of Madison.

UW biochemist Scott Coyle awarded 2020 Packard Fellowship

October 15, 2020

Coyle's research could have far-reaching applications, from expanding the scope of cell-based therapies to fight disease to developing micro-technologies for bioremediation of damaged environmental sites.