Photo gallery APIDA art show: Courage in Community
“Courage in Community” was the theme of the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month Art Show, held at the Multicultural Student Center lounge in the Red Gym on April 16. More than 50 people perused through the art at the event, which included an art exhibit, magazine launch and social time.
Samantha Greco (left) and Allie Ho enjoy spring rolls.
Guests peruse through student-created artwork.
The artwork from student artists was in a variety of mediums.
Guests look at student artwork on display, including photography by Koda Parker, at left, and wedding-dress sketches by Pahoua Yang.
A hand-painted tote bag by Thuy-Trang Le is among student-created artwork on display during the show.
A sign with the question “What does courage in community mean to you?” prompts viewer participation.
Tags with written responses to the prompted question “What does courage in community mean to you?” hang from decorative tree.
Standing at the front of the room, planning committee members Manola Inthavong, at far left, and Juliet Chang, second from left, make introductory comments for the art show.
From left to right, students Ace Lo (with back to camera), Manola Inthavong, Emily Ren, Chee Meng Xiong and Qiuwen Quan look through the newest annual copy of the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month Planning Committee’s magazine.
Student musicians Sebasian Yang on guitar and Haruka Ishii on vocals perform.