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Tag Engineering

TEAM Lab provides hands-on learning experience in modern machine shop facility

May 29, 2018

With countless tools and machines, the possibilities for bringing an idea to life are endless at the College of Engineering’s Technical…

Liquid crystals self-regulate the release of drugs in precise, repeating doses with simple nudge from their environment

May 9, 2018

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have developed liquid crystal films and droplets that can hold a wide range of “micro-cargo” until their release is cued by body heat or a beam of light or even the wake of swimming microorganisms.

For scientist studying turbulence, the sky is the limit

May 7, 2018

Michael Graham, a professor of chemical and biological engineering, is a leader in the field, and a recently awarded Department of Defense Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship is enabling his potentially transformative research on turbulence.

Slowly but surely, driverless cars are on their way

April 25, 2018

The Autonom Shuttle, an 11-seat driverless vehicle made by the French company Navya, offered a glimpse of the future of transportation with free tours of campus this week.

Newest Badgerloop Pod unveiled

April 20, 2018

The UW–Madison Badgerloop team Thursday revealed Badgerloop Pod III — its latest entry into the 2018 SpaceX Hyperloop Competition, an event designed to spur new ideas about an ultrafast, futuristic form of transportation.

Curious Madisonian still innovating, designing, improving 35 years after UW–Madison graduation

April 20, 2018

Bruce Winkler has invented, designed or facilitated an amazing range of devices since he earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from UW–Madison in 1983.

Driverless shuttle to deliver rides at UW–Madison April 24–25

April 17, 2018

Members of the public can ride in an Autonom Shuttle from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. The College of Engineering is home to the Wisconsin Automated Vehicle Proving Grounds.

Line-skipping business takes top honors at UW–Madison innovation competition

April 17, 2018

Selected from among 35 student teams and student-led start-up companies, LineLeap received the $15,000 Qualcomm grand prize in the 2018 Transcend Madison Innovation Competition.

Science Expeditions welcomes public to campus April 6–8

April 2, 2018

For three days this weekend, you can dive beneath the waves to explore shipwrecks in the Great Lakes, search for ghostly particles using a billion tons of ice and discover how we might grow food on Mars.

UW–Madison serial innovator Jack Ma cites collaboration as key to his success

March 7, 2018

Engineering Professor Jack Ma has more than 40 patents, more than 470 published papers and a half-dozen national professional fellowships.

Testing the waters for a new kind of graduate teaching

February 26, 2018

A UW–Madison engineering professor has designed a three-credit graduate course in a virtual university format, with live online lectures delivered to remote audiences.

Pulling needles out of haystacks: With computation, researchers identify promising solid oxide fuel cell materials

February 22, 2018

Using advanced computational methods, UW–Madison materials scientists have discovered new materials that could bring widespread commercial use of solid oxide fuel cells closer to reality.

Kohler, college of engineering to unveil 
Kohler visualization studio

February 21, 2018

In addition to donating $1 million to renovate the space, Kohler has committed ongoing involvement from its associates to ensure students gain an innovative mindset and technical knowledge.

Chat tool simplifies tricky online privacy policies

February 13, 2018

A UW–Madison researcher has helped develop a unique online chatbot that can answer, in simple language, questions about specific privacy policies without requiring users themselves to weed through all of the fine print.

Radar adds technological twist to age-old cranberry counting process

January 16, 2018

UW electrical and computer engineers, acting on an idea from a Wisconsin cranberry grower, have developed a device to make a laborious, time-consuming process more efficient.

Projects on display as engineering prototyping class wets feet, whets appetites

December 11, 2017

In an introductory engineering design class, students design and build unique items to solve pressing needs.