For thousands of students new to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the Wisconsin Experience officially begins when they meet Chancellor Rebecca Blank at the Kohl Center.
University of Wisconsin–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank told the UW Board of Regents that a proposed $300 million cut in state support for UW System would reduce student programming, lead to job lapses and layoffs, and reduce financial aid and access to the university.
University of Wisconsin–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank was named the 2015 winner of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize by the American Academy of Political and Social Science on Tuesday. Named after the late senator, the Moynihan Prize honors individuals who use sound analysis and social science research to inform public policy while also contributing to the public discourse on society’s most pressing issues.
The recent grand jury verdicts in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Staten Island have raised questions and concerns among many in the University of Wisconsin–Madison community, as they have nationwide.
In honor of the remarkable $100 million dollar gift from alumni John and Tashia Morgridge, an equally amazing flavor has been developed by Babcock Hall Dairy Plant to celebrate.
The University of Wisconsin–Madison has received a landmark gift of $100 million from John and Tashia Morgridge, representing one of the largest single contributions from individual donors in the history of the institution.
A committee reviewing the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s internal budget process is recommending a new model that would establish transparent, objective metrics to drive resource allocation decisions in the areas of instruction and research.
In response to state legislative directives to reduce fund balances, the University of Wisconsin–Madison has lowered its tuition balance by 41 percent from 2013 to 2014, according to a new report.
The Chancellor's Convocation, a Wisconsin Welcome event for incoming freshmen and transfer students, was held Friday, Aug. 29, at the Kohl Center. It highlighted a theme fundamental to the university: service.
University of Wisconsin–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank has joined the Council on Competitiveness, a nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that seeks to generate public policy solutions to drive U.S. economic growth.
UW-Madison should develop a budget model that aligns resources with the university’s core missions, rewards innovation and provides flexibility necessary to accommodate change and growth, a campus committee is recommending.
After an almost 13-year stint leading the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s vast research and graduate education enterprise, Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Martin Cadwallader announced today he is stepping down from the post to return to the faculty.
As campus prepares for double-digit below zero temperatures early next week, employees are reminded to take extra precautions to prepare for the extremely cold weather.
What’s so wonderful about the University of Wisconsin–Madison? You’re about to find out. The "Share the Wonderful" annual giving campaign kicks off its second year in October and runs through the end of the year.
Richard Cordray, director of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, will speak at a field hearing of the U.S. Financial Literacy and Education Commission on "Starting Early: Youth and Post-Secondary Financial Education" on the UW–Madison campus Wednesday, Sept. 25.