Tag Arts
$28 million to support art education: Chazens pledge pieces from personal collection
Alumni Jerome and Simona Chazen have pledged to give $35 million to advance the Chazen Museum and art education on campus.
World premiere expresses UW–Madison professor’s feelings about species extinction
In 2012, when UW–Madison music Professor Laura Schwendinger started working on her second string quartet — one that is her response to species extinctions — the Javan Rhino was considered endangered. Now it is the most threatened of the five rhino species, with just 35 remaining in Java, Indonesia. That, says Schwendinger, highlights “just how pressing the issues I wish to present with my quartet are.”
Community arts procession STRUT! scheduled for Saturday, May 2
Members of the public are invited to watch and participate with over 30 of Madison's creative and cultural groups in STRUT!, a community arts procession showcasing stilt walking, dance, music, design, puppetry and more.
Move over Mozart: Study shows cats prefer their own beat
As more animal shelters, primate centers and zoos start to play music for their charges, it’s still not clear whether and how human music affects animals. Now, a study from the University of Wisconsin–Madison shows that while cats ignore our music, they are highly responsive to “music” written especially for them. The study is online at Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
University Press of Florida official to lead UW Press
Dennis Lloyd, deputy director of the University Press of Florida, has been selected as the new director of the University of Wisconsin Press.