Photo gallery ‘Sower in the Field’
Moving crews installed South African artist Mary Sibande’s sculpture “Sower in the Field” at UW–Madison’s Chazen Museum of Art on Feb. 27. In her works, Sibande “not only interrogates the current intersections of race, gender, and labor in South Africa, (but) actively rewrites her own family’s legacy of forced domestic work imposed by the then-apartheid state,” according to her biography on

Photo by: Bryce Richter
Workers from Reynolds Transfer and Storage uncrate the sculpture, which came to campus via freight ship, train and truck.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
The life-size sculpture of a Black woman, intended to be shown at ground level, will engage students and visitors in conversations around representation.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Having hoisted it from its temporary wooden platform, workers ease the statue into place in a prominent setting.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
In her works, Sibande places female domestic workers in roles of power denied to them under apartheid in South Africa.Tags: Africa, arts, Chazen Museum of Art, recent sightings