OVCRGE welcomes Research and Sponsored Programs

“RSP will continue to be responsible for assisting faculty and staff in accomplishing their research goals while also protecting them and the university from risks,” says Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Marsha Mailick. Photo: Bryce Richter
Formally recognizing the need to more closely align research administration with research infrastructure at UW–Madison, the Faculty Senate at its Sept. 26 meeting voted in favor of moving Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (OVCRGE).
“We are excited to welcome Research and Sponsored Programs as we continue to enhance research support on campus, from proposal submission to closing out awards,” says Marsha Mailick, vice chancellor for research and graduate education. “RSP and the OVCRGE have already been working in concert and it makes sense to more closely align our administrative resources. Working within the OVCRGE’s framework, RSP will continue to be responsible for assisting faculty and staff in accomplishing their research goals while also protecting them and the university from risks.”
UW-Madison has more than $1 billion in annual research expenditures each year. RSP promotes and facilitates the research mission of the university by supporting and administering extramurally sponsored programs.
Situating RSP administratively within OVCRGE will facilitate data analytics, tracking trends in grant success, and evaluating return on investments — all needed for strategic planning. RSP works with more than 3,000 federal and nonfederal sponsoring agencies, many with unique regulatory requirements, and its staff play a key role in protecting researchers and the university from the risks associated with sponsored programs.
“More closely aligning RSP with OVCRGE shows an overall campus commitment to the extraordinary research enterprise here,” says Kim Moreland, associate vice chancellor for research administration and director of Research and Sponsored Programs. “By working closely together, we hope to reduce the burgeoning application and compliance burdens on researchers, which allows them to then prioritize more of their time on their research.”
RSP’s offices will remain at 21 N. Park St.