Photo gallery APIDA festival offers fun in many flavors
Students enjoyed everything from a community weaving project to answering trivia questions to making bookmarks at the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Festival on April 1, held at the Multicultural Student Center in the Red Gym. In the community weaving project, each participant chose their own thread to add to a unified textile piece, which represents the diversity and multitude of voices of the UW–Madison APIDA community. The festival was organized by the APIDA Heritage Month Planning Committee and hosted by the APIDA Student Center, part of the Multicultural Student Center. It kicks off a series of activities honoring Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month.

Photo by: Bryce Richter
APIDA Heritage Month Planning Committee members (left to right) Rachel Nguyen and Juliet Chang and APIDA Student Center Programming Intern Maggie Konig (center) capture the moment at a photo station.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
UW students Amal Khan (right) and Simar Garcha (left) use a loom and thread to take part in a community weaving project.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
UW alum Chee Meng Xiong uses thread and a loom to take part in a community weaving project.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
UW student Emily Kurtin (center) speaks with students at a Japanese Student Association information table.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Hmong American Student Association officers Hailey Xiong (right) and Elleana Moua (center) talk with students at their information table.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
UW students Shrey Dekate (left) and Rachel Nguyen (right) use tie-dye inks to decorate t-shirts.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
At the Asian American Student Union's booth, students got to use calligraphy brushes (provided by the Center for East Asian Studies) to decorate their own bookmarks.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Members of the Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority (left to right) Adella Ya, Zoe Guderyon and Daisy Hong ask students trivia questions and hand out prizes at their student organization table.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
A student receives an Asian American Student Union stamp in their passport booklet after visiting the information table.