The Wisconsin Union has announced that Union South has received a LEED Gold designation – one of the highest levels established by the U.S. Green Building Council and verified by the Green Building Certification Institute.
The Dane County Sheriff Office is searching Lake Mendota near UW–Madison's Memorial Union for a 22-year-old man who was last seen swimming in the area early this morning.
With construction for the first phase of the Memorial Union Reinvestment beginning in early July, movers and arts conservators are working hard to protect Memorial Union’s historic features.
Memorial Union visitors will begin to see construction fences go up the week of June 18 in preparation for the first phase of the Memorial Union Reinvestment project.
Anita Laabs (right) helps Savanna Shropshire (left) try on an assortment of costumes in a dressing room backstage at the Wisconsin Union Theater’s “Curtain…
The palette of the Memorial Union Terrace gained another vivid color on Sunday, April 29, as 300 “Mendota Blue” Terrace chairs joined the traditional orange, green and yellow chairs.
Der Rathskeller at the Memorial Union reopened this week with several changes geared to provide customers with a new level of dining in the historic and popular gathering space.
The same plan that envisions an expanded lobby at the Wisconsin Union Theater would also boost the amount of Terrace seating area available near the theater, officials said Tuesday.
Starting next summer, the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Memorial Union will begin a two-year renovation project, giving the campus icon its first comprehensive restoration in nearly 85 years.
In anticipation of the new Union South, UW–Madison will hold a battle of the bands to help preview the facility’s state-of-the-art music venue Tuesday, Feb. 15 at the Memorial Union.
As part of the series of events anticipating Union South’s spring unveiling, UW–Madison will celebrate the facility’s new cinema Wednesday, Dec. 15. Students are…