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Tag Student life

Recent sightings: Tough to beat

October 17, 2007

Photo: Jeff Miller Spotlights shine on a darkened rink as players from the Wisconsin women’s ice hockey…

Upcoming conference focuses on first-year experiences

October 3, 2007

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the First-Year Conference Thursday, Oct. 11, to discuss ways to engage new students and set them on the path for a successful academic career.

Recent sightings: Gybe-ho!

September 26, 2007

Photo: Jeff Miller Students Jim Hamre, second from left, and Jane Schmieding, second from right, who usually use…

Grab a PB & J with the Dean of Students

September 25, 2007

Dean of Students Lori Berquam and staff from Offices of the Dean of Students will encourage student nutrition by handing out free peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 26.

Recent sightings: Halliburton protest

September 21, 2007

Approximately 100 protesters fill the main floor of the Engineering Centers Building to protest against Halliburton’s recruiting efforts during an engineering…

Recent sightings: Breathing space

September 12, 2007

Using seating on the main floor, undergraduate Megan Kaiser studies as sunlight streams in the six-story main atrium of the…

Several changes at the Union

September 5, 2007

Memorial Union patrons will see some new features this fall.