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Tag Research

Research zeros in on molecular destination of antidepressants

March 12, 1998

Side effects or not, Prozac and similar medications are helping millions of people live more satisfying lives. But scientists still aren't sure exactly how the drugs work at the most basic molecular levels. With a grant from the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, UW Medical School researchers are aiming to find the answers.

Leukemia society supports UW Medical School researcher

March 11, 1998

The Leukemia Society of America has put its money on a UW Medical School researcher whose studies show promise for understanding genetic abnormalities associated with leukemia.

Professor assists national effort to curb Hispanic dropout rate

March 10, 1998

National attention is often the prelude to a national solution, and the high dropout rate among Hispanic students got a lot of attention at a recent Washington press conference.

Study of microbes may hone predictions of mining impact

March 5, 1998

By tracing the abundance and distribution of bacteria in an abandoned California mine, UW–Madison scientists may have found a better way to predict the potential environmental consequences of mining metal ores.

Asian economic crisis to impact Wisconsin agriculture

March 4, 1998

Shock waves from the Asian economic crisis will ripple through Wisconsin's farm economy, with corn and soybean producers feeling the worst effects during 1998 and 1999, according to a UW–Madison economist.

Snipping inflammation in the bud; new agents may provide relief

March 1, 1998

Trying a new approach to controlling the process of inflammation, UW–Madison scientists have forged a new class of synthetic molecules that offer a new strategy for treating pain, swelling and the other hallmarks of injury or illness.

What’s in an ecosystem? New journal seeks to answer

February 19, 1998

UW-Madison zoology Professors Monica G. Turner and Stephen R. Carpenter are the first co-editors of Ecosystems, a new journal intended to be a focal point for original research, reviews, editorials and special features on ecosystem ecology.

The Leopold Legacy: Zedler cultivates UW’s rich tradition in restoration ecology

February 19, 1998

As the new Aldo Leopold Chair of Restoration Ecology, Joy Zedler will be cultivating the legacy of one of UW–Madison's most influential professors, a man whose ideas form the roots of modern conservation.

Whose welfare? Book calls for new attention to children

February 19, 1998

As new welfare reform programs take effect across the nation, more effort is needed to measure how those reforms will impact children, according to a new book edited by sociology professor Robert Hauser.

A dirty job: UW team has been sifting through trash in search of perfect landfill

February 16, 1998

Robert Ham believes well-designed landfills can be tools for recycling, rather than tombs that harbor trash for generations.

Book Chronicles Evolution of Academic Freedom at UW–Madison

February 9, 1998

The birth and evolution of academic freedom at UW–Madison forms the focus of a new book edited by economics Professor Emeritus W. Lee Hansen.

Study finds middle class shouldering more state tax burden

January 29, 1998

A UW–Madison study confirms it - over the past two decades, these families have faced the highest tax burdens in the state as Wisconsin's tax system has become less progressive.

Grant Aims To Curb Tobacco Use Among Managed-Care Patients

January 27, 1998

A new $6.7-million program based at the UW Medical School supports studies of policies and practices that reduce tobacco use by members of managed-care organizations such as HMOs, PPOs and point-of-service plans.

UW Doctors Take STD Prevention to Prisons

January 22, 1998

A team of Wisconsin researchers is one of only four in the nation selected to work on a major national initiative on prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases in young male inmates being released back into the community.

Turf Management Takes Professor Around the World of Sports

January 21, 1998

The phone rang shortly after John Stier arrived at his campus office at 8 a.m. The Green Bay Packers were calling. They needed his help.

Spuds Redux

January 12, 1998

The folks who brought us spuds in space have a new crop to tend this January, when they attempt to grow an amber wave of weightless grain.

Hubble finds one more oddity on an already strange moon

January 9, 1998

Jupiter's moon Io, whose strange surface is defined by active volcanoes, lakes of molten sulfur and vast fields of sulfur dioxide snow, has revealed another oddity to scientists: caps of glowing hydrogen gas at the moon's poles.

Smoked Meats Are Safe, Task Force Concludes

January 8, 1998

An interdisciplinary task force of scientists concluded in a recently issued report that there is virtually no scientific rationale for this conclusion.

With space telescope and model, star’s birth pains revealed

January 7, 1998

With Space Telescope and Model, Star's Birth Pains Revealed" #description "Using a potent combination of observation and theory, astronomers are peeling away layers of cosmic dust to see the birth pains of sun-like stars.

Colon Cancer Linked To Genes, Not Lifestyle

January 6, 1998

Colon cancer and many other geriatric diseases in primates appear to be natural outcomes of aging, rather than being caused by outside factors, a scientist at UW–Madison has found.