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For Leopold, radical measures of control took a toll

February 8, 1999

Some 50 years ago, Aldo Leopold, UW–Madison professor of wildlife ecology and environmental icon, sounded the first alarm about Wisconsin's looming overabundance of deer.

Research describes human origins debate before Darwin

January 27, 1999

When Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was first published in 1859, the intellectual and spiritual controversy that colors nearly any discussion of where humans come from was already a two-decade-old phenomenon in the United States.

Quality child care can carry social benefits for kids

January 26, 1999

If the quality is there, children in all varieties of child care show greater confidence with peers and more compliance with adults, according to one of the most expansive studies ever of child care in America.

Future of West tied to saving, not extracting, the land

January 25, 1999

The road to economic stability for the west today, argues a UW–Madison rural sociologist, is one that takes an ironic twist to the frontier axiom that "all wealth comes from the land."

Research describes human origins debate before Darwin

January 23, 1999

The role of Nostratic - a hypothetical language first thought to have been uttered more than 12,000 years ago - in the development of human language has raged for more than a century in the fields of linguistics, archeology, anthropology and classics.

Butterflies shed light on biological novelties

January 22, 1999

How the elephant got its trunk, the deer its antlers and the rattlesnake its rattles may seem like disparate questions of developmental biology, but the origins of these novelties, according to the genes of butterflies, may have much in common.

Renaissance sensibilities

January 21, 1999

Automation librarian Peter Gorman manages to gracefully integrate computers, Old Icelandic language and old-time music into a single life.

Participants needed for Down, Fragile X syndrome study

January 20, 1999

The Waisman Center at UW–Madison is seeking help from families of adolescents with Down syndrome or Fragile X syndrome for a new research project on communication difficulties.

UW Scientists Report New Twist In Mammalian Cloning

January 19, 1999

Using the unfertilized eggs of cows, scientists have shown that the eggs have the ability to incorporate and, seemingly, reprogram at least some of the genes from adult cells from an array of different animal species.

Study shows pork lower in fat and leaner than ever before

January 12, 1999

A recently published study by researchers in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences shows that fresh pork has enhanced its reputation as the "other white meat."

Maps give new view of world and cosmos

December 29, 1998

A reindeer skin coat from Siberia, a Lukasa memory board from the Congo and an arrangement of knotted strings left by the Inca make up some of the objects of study in the latest volume in the massive History of Cartography project.

UW employee gambles on new arthritis therapy

December 22, 1998

Ken Ebbe, director of systems engineering for the Division of Information Technology, has seen his rheumatoid arthritis go into remission after undergoing an experimental treatment at the UW Medical School.

Consortium to bring space age forecasts to farm, forest

December 15, 1998

A new, NASA-funded research initiative, combining expertise from universities, industry, and state and federal government promises to bring space age technology to farm and forest in the Upper Midwest.

Colds trigger asthma

December 15, 1998

‘Tis the season for colds and, if you have asthma, a runny nose and watery eyes could signal some serious breathing problems around the…

Scholar extracts cultural clues from everyday objects

December 14, 1998

Ann Smart Martin, UW–Madison's first Chipstone Professor of Decorative Arts, has spent her professional life gleaning meaning from material objects.

Study reveals cellular quality control

December 14, 1998

Cells pay even closer attention to quality control of genetic information than scientists previously thought, according to new findings by UW Medical School researchers. Before sending genetic molecules out of the nucleus to sites where they will ultimately function, cells check to see that they are complete and ready to go.

Gifts boost cancer program in veterinary medicine

December 9, 1998

School of Veterinary Medicine officials have created a $250,000 campaign to create a new Cancer Recovery Ward to accommodate the huge increase in pets being treated and to provide more modern facilities.

Like greenhouse gases, landscape changes may alter climate

December 8, 1998

Greenhouse gases, the long-standing villains of climate change, may have a significant new partner in crime: wholesale changes to the world's landscapes by humans.

Research Highlights

December 7, 1998

With 110 faculty affiliates across more than 40 departments, UW–Madison’s Institute on Aging is developing a composite picture of aging in America. A…

Researchers to test methods for helping smokers quit

December 4, 1998

The UW Medical School is launching two large new studies aimed particularly at those cigaratte smokers who have tried -- and perhaps tried again -- to quit.