Photo gallery Snow arrives late but is worth the wait
What better way to greet returning students to spring semester than decorating campus with more than a foot of snow? After a brown, nearly snow-free December, two storms hit campus starting Jan. 9 to put it in a wintry mood. First day of class is Tuesday, Jan. 23 — be sure to bring your gloves and boots.

Photo by: Jeff Miller
Lamppost lights glow at dusk as a lone pedestrian walks up Bascom Hill on Jan. 12. At left is Music Hall.
Photo by: Althea Dotzour
A snowman sporting a red University Housing polo keeps watch on Bascom Hill on Jan. 11, 2024.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
A passerby, and a snowman, enjoy the beautiful view from atop Observatory Hill.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
The view of Lake Mendota from Observatory Hill was heavy on the blues and whites.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Facilities, Planning & Management custodial staff Luis Del Angel (at left with snowblower) and Keysha Mabra (with shovel) clear snow from the building steps and walkways surrounding Memorial Library on Library Mall on Jan. 12.
Photo by: Althea Dotzour
A grounds crew worker drives a tractor with a front-end brush sweeper to clear snow from the sidewalk along Bascom Hill.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Law student Valeria Martínez bundled up for her walk through snow-covered Library Mall on Jan. 14.Tags: recent sightings, snow, weather