Project to explore enzyme behind early evolution of life on Earth
A team of scientists at UW–Madison led by bacteriology professor Betül Kaçar will explore the paleoenvironments and ancient history of Earth by bridging paleontology, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and evolution.
Gene therapy protects against motor neuron disease in rats
The gene therapy approach allowed the non-mutated gene to be expressed in neurons and better support the transportation of proteins, preventing disease.
Research Events
Mass Communication Research Center Symposium
Thibault Dardinier: PhD Candidate, Programming Methodology Group, ETH Zurich12:00 pm, 1240 Computer Sciences
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Timo Sprekeler (TAMU) - Homogenization of nondivergence-form elliptic PDEs in a Cordes setting: optimal rates and numerical methods3:30 pm, 901 Van Vleck Hall
Sustainable Energy Seminar Series: UW Badgervoltaics Community of Practice3:30 pm, Online