New UW-Madison campaign highlights Badgers stepping up

Bascom Hall atop Bascom Hill is pictured in a fisheye-lens aerial view of the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus. Photo: Jeff Miller
With 45,000 students and another 450,000 living alumni, the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s impact on Wisconsin is hard to miss. Badgers are on the front lines fighting COVID-19, launching businesses that create thousands of jobs, and making discoveries that solve real-world problems.
A new UW–Madison campaign, “Can’t Stop a Badger”, explores the stories and people whose relentless drive are making Wisconsin – and the world – a better place. Running into summer 2021, the campaign includes daily social and news content, in-depth profiles and a statewide ad campaign focused on how Badgers are helping tackle the state’s biggest challenges.
“During a difficult year, we’ve seen Badgers step up to support their communities and the state of Wisconsin in profound ways,” said Tricia Nolan, UW–Madison’s assistant vice chancellor of marketing and brand Strategy.
“The ‘Can’t Stop a Badger’ campaign shines a light on the hard-working, innovative people tackling these challenges head on. Badgers make a difference – and these stories demonstrate that.”
Starting in February, each month will feature new stories of how Badgers are improving the state’s economy, its health and its future. February focused on economic prosperity, with examples highlighting UW-related startups, students pitching in to aid local manufacturers, and partnerships with key state industries.
March will feature UW’s work in health care, spotlighting the students, alumni and faculty who are critical to improving residents’ quality of life. April will showcase the research breakthroughs and innovations that are solving problems and priming the state for future growth. And in May, as thousands of UW–Madison students earn their diploma, the campaign will focus on UW’s educational experience, with stories of new programs to meet employer demands, and Badgers entering the workforce.
The ad campaign, supported by the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association, will feature radio and video spots, print and digital ads, and in-feed ads on social media.
Stories can be found and shared using #CantStopaBadger or #UWimpact on social media, on the landing page or through the monthly Wisconsin Ideas newsletter.