Campus news Latest News
Healing words
Visiting Professor's Lecture Series Bridges Standard, Traditional Health Systems
Pedal Pushing: Bike To Work Oct. 6-10
Stefan Downing and Ed Sullivan want you to join them in riding your bike to work. As motivation, they have arranged some creative incentives for those who pedalto work or classes during the first full week of October.
New Scout Publications Uncover Internet Ground
The Internet Scout Project of UW–Madison's computer sciences department has announced the start of three new free electronic publications designed for the higher-education community.
Seats Remain for Stones Concert
Good seats are still available for the Oct. 6 Rolling Stones concert at Camp Randall Stadium. Tickets are on sale through Ticketmaster outlets for…
San Jose Business Editor Returns Home
Peter Hillan, executive business editor of the San Jose Mercury News and former UW–Madison student and Wisconsin State Journal editor, will serve as this semester's business writer in residence at UW–Madison Sept. 29-Oct. 3.
Arboreal Self-Defense
Deploying high concentrations of an aspirin-like compound as a chemical defense, some aspen trees are capable of spoiling the voracious appetites of gypsy moth caterpillars, one of the world's most feared forest insect pests.
Packed Career Fair a Boon for Graduating Engineers
With engineers and computer scientists in high demand, Career Connection 97 attracted 150 companies to come to campus this year.
The End of the World As They Know It
Participants in an international symposium, 'Waiting in Fearful Hope: Approaching the New Millennium,' will investigate what lessons we might draw from the past and their implications for the coming age Sept. 21-24.
Elders Headlines Distinguished Lecture Series
M. Joycelyn Elders, pediatric endocrinologist and former U.S. surgeon general, will address 'Health Care in the 21st Century' Tuesday, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p.m., in the Wisconsin Union Theater as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series.
UW Press Marks 60-Year Imprint on Research Publishing
The University of Wisconsin Press celebrates 60 years of publishing regional, general interest and scholarly books.
Professor’s Video To Debut at Historical Society
A new video tracing “Signs, Symbols and Scripts: Origins of Written Communication and the Birth of the Alphabet” will premiere at a free public…
‘Feeling Good’ Author To Speak on Campus
Best-selling author and mental health scholar David D. Burns will give a free lecture at the Memorial Union Tuesday, Sept. 16 on 'feeling good about yourself.'
Pioneers of Physics To Meet in Madison Next Week
Chadbourne seeks to ‘change the culture’ of campus life
This semester marks the beginning of an ambitious experiment in residence hall life, the Chadbourne Residential College. The idea upon which it is built: that living is learning, and the residence hall can be a form of classroom.
UW Community to Particpate in ‘Day of Caring’
More than 300 UW–Madison students, faculty, staff and administrators have volunteered their services during a 'Day of Caring' Sept. 13.
Sharks Without Bites: Loan Advisers Find Cooperative Approach Keeps Default Rate Low
Lueck and his team of eight student-loan advisors work with former students and graduates who have trouble paying back the student loans they took out from UW–Madison.
Plants in Space: Wisconsin Seeds First To Sprout From Stock Grown on Mir
The seeds of a tiny, rapidly growing mustard plant, born in space aboard the troubled space station Mir, have sprouted in space, completing a critical first step toward the goal of raising multiple generations of plants in space.
Wisconsin’s Economy Outshines Nation’s, Study Finds
Real personal income growth in Wisconsin in the 1990s surpassed the rate of growth in the nation by 24 percent, according to a study by Jon Udell, the Irwin Maier Professor of Business at the UW–Madison School of Business.
Lecture Series Considers How To ‘Go Beyond Violence’
The need to “go beyond violence” has become an international rallying cry … but how exactly might we do that? Seven UW–Madison faculty members…