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Five Receive Classified-Employee Honors

April 16, 1997

Five employees have been honored by being named winners of the 1997 Classified Employee Recognition Awards.

State Budget Falls Short for Construction

April 16, 1997

Construction of a new Pharmacy building on campus and the addition of needed utilities at UW–Madison could be delayed under Gov. Tommy Thompson's capital budget for 1997-99.

Emotion, Health Symposium Enlivens the Classroom

April 16, 1997

Does anger make us sick? Are there healing powers behind optimism and humor? Do good relationships with family and friends make good medicine for the body?

Exhibition Looks at Hogarth Prints of the 18th Century London Stage

April 15, 1997

The Elvehjem will present an exhibition dedicated to 'Hogarth and the Shows of London,' featuring 52 prints from both the museum's permanent collection and also the private collection of Suzanne and Gerald Labiner.

Arts Community Toasts Its Best and Brightest

April 14, 1997

Partnerships between the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the UW–Madison Consortium for the Arts and private donors will be celebrated this year through a number of awards for faculty and staff specializing in the arts.

Romberg Awarded Lifetime Achievement Medal

April 14, 1997

Thomas A. Romberg, professor of education, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Medal for Leadership, Teaching and Service in mathematics education from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Law School Dean Search Begins

April 14, 1997

The search for a new UW Law School dean has begun.

Engineering EXPO 97 Bigger Than Ever

April 14, 1997

More than 90 exhibits and an expanded Robot Triathlon in the UW Field House await visitors to Engineering EXPO 97 'Dreams by Design,' to be held April 18-20.

Disarming Alzheimer’s Toxic Proteins

April 14, 1997

A new study of the proteins that may be responsible for the brain lesions associated with Alzheimer's disease promises a new understanding of its underlying cause, and may someday yield new treatments for the devastating and deadly disease.

Journalism School To Honor Four Alumni at Awards Banquet

April 11, 1997

Distinguished service and early professional achievement will earn four University of Wisconsin–Madison alumni awards from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Funding of Campus Network To Be Discussed

April 11, 1997

With the cost of the campus network and Internet connection rising due to growing demand and transitions to new technologies, DoIT, the ITC…

Four Receive Hilldale Faculty Awards

April 10, 1997

Four University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty members have been chosen to receive this year's Hilldale Awards for major achievements in teaching, research and service.

UW Historian Targets Technology’s Fallout

April 10, 1997

An expert on the history and social impact of technology, Colleen Dunlavy is guiding 15 undergraduate students through a survey course on the subject this semester.

New Pesticide Use Policy Approved for Campus

April 9, 1997

The Chemical Safety Committee has approved a new policy that will help keep the university community better informed about scheduled pesticide use.

Politcal Science Bids Farewell to Two Veteran Faculty

April 8, 1997

Two members of the political science faculty will retire at the end of this academic year: Charles O. Jones and Leon N. Lindberg.

Help Needed in Making International Alumni Connections

April 8, 1997

The UW–Madison International Convocation is slated for May 2-7, 1999, and will be an important part of UW–Madison's 150th anniversary celebrations.

E. Coli Talk Brings All-Stars of Genetics to Campus

April 8, 1997

A conference celebrating the complete decoding of E. coli by a team led by UW–Madison geneticist Frederick Blattner will draw the field's top researchers to campus April 10-12.

Rebuilding Persistence in Alfalfa

April 8, 1997

When it comes to improving alfalfa, plant geneticist Edwin Bingham believes the job takes persistence. Bingham has become single-minded -- you might even say persistent -- in advocating for greater persistence as an agronomic virtue in alfalfa.

Tackling Nitrogen Deficiency in No-Till Corn Production

April 8, 1997

Nitrogen deficiency is one of the biggest hurdles when adopting no-till corn production in Wisconsin.

Tired of Heat Detection? Ovsynch and Save

April 8, 1997

A new technique can help farmers artificially inseminate dairy cows at the proper stage in their reproductive cycle without continuous heat detection, say researchers at UW–Madison's College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.