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Dance prof presents cross-cultural, multimedia concert

April 29, 1998

A cross-cultural and multimedia dance concert featuring new works by UW–Madison dance professor Jin-Wen Yu will be presented April 30 and May 1-2 at 8 p.m. in the new Margaret H'Doubler Performance Space in Lathrop Hall.

Two faculty win NSF career awards

April 28, 1998

Two College of Engineering faculty members have each received four-year, $200,000 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Awards from the National Science Foundation.

Law professor helps draft revision to probate code

April 27, 1998

A UW–Madison law professor helped draft a sweeping revision to the state laws that dictate the transfer of wealth and property through wills and estates.

UW team crafts a cooler to study X-rays

April 27, 1998

Building space flight hardware sounds pretty glamorous to a lot of us: working with state-of-the-art equipment to create instruments that will fly in outer space, enhancing humankind's understanding of the universe. But when you get down to the nitty gritty, it can be far less so.

Pray named distinguished educator

April 27, 1998

Lloyd C. Pray, emeritus professor of geology and geophysics, has been named a 1998 recipient of the Distinguished Educator Award by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the world's largest geoscience association.

UW-Madison provides self-report to NCAA

April 27, 1998

A comprehensive self-review of the UW–Madison Athletic Department booster and support organization accounts has concluded that a number of reimbursements and payments to department staff may have inadvertently violated NCAA rules.

Electron accelerator sheds light on gene repair in living cells

April 24, 1998

With the unlikely but invaluable help of physicists, engineers and an electron accelerator, UW Medical School molecular biologists have found a way to examine how damaged genes are repaired in living cells.

Bibliography of children’s books now available

April 24, 1998

Choices 1997, an annotated bibliography of books for children and young adults published in the last year, is now available from the Cooperative Children's Book Center at the School of Education.

Three faculty receive Guggenheim Fellowships

April 24, 1998

Three UW–Madison professors have received 1998 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowships, which provide scholars and artists with unrestricted grants to further their research.

UW biochemist solves riddle of collagen stability

April 23, 1998

A UW–Madison research team has overturned a central theory about the stability of collagen, a protein that acts like a 'solder' to give the body its structure and shape.

‘Boy Friend’ herald of spring

April 23, 1998

In the spring, it is rumored, the fancies of the young lightly turn not to golf, but to love. Consequently, the University Theatre will cap its 1998 season with 'The Boy Friend,' a terribly romantic musical spoof of a 70-year-old genre.

The row less taken

April 23, 1998

UW-Madison's rowing teams have been bringing home trophies for nearly 100 years without jostling the slumbering attentions of Madison sports fans. And that's a shame, because UW rowing is one of the most remarkable athletic dynasties around.

Study examines effectiveness of academic redshirting

April 22, 1998

A new study by a UW–Madison researcher of academic redshirting - the decision to delay a child's entry into kindergarten that many parents are facing right now - calls into question the old adage of 'If in doubt, hold them out.'

Governor pledges $1.5 million for new biosciences faculty

April 22, 1998

Gov. Tommy Thompson on Tuesday night announced a proposed $1.5 million funding boost for UW–Madison, dedicated to hiring new faculty in the biological sciences.

Lecture, exhibition feature textiles

April 22, 1998

The 1998 Ruth Ketterer Harris Memorial Lecture will feature Gerhardt Knodel, renowned internationally for his large art fabric installations. The April 23 lecture, free and open to the public, will begin at 5:45 p.m. in L140 Elvehjem.

Virtual reality expert to speak Apr. 23

April 22, 1998

An internationally renowned virtual reality expert will discuss work underway to allow people at distant sites to communicate and cooperate on complex tasks, while sharing a realistic 'virtual environment.'

Federal toxicology center awarded to UW–Madison

April 21, 1998

A new national Center in Developmental and Molecular Toxicology has been awarded to UW–Madison for the next four years.

Discussions continue over grass/turf in Camp Randall

April 21, 1998

As state officials continue to explore whether to install grass in Camp Randall Stadium, the UW–Madison Athletic Department remains committed to artificial turf.

Doctors use a small artery in the hand to diagnose coronary disease

April 20, 1998

Thanks to today's state-of-the-art cardiac devices, doctors at UW Hospital and Clinics have begun using a small artery in the wrist to diagnose and treat some forms of coronary artery disease.

Colloquium explores new frontiers of aging and health

April 20, 1998

The Institute on Aging, celebrating its 25th year on campus, will hold a symposium and two public lectures April 23-24 exploring new research insights into successful aging.