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Category State & Global

Survey: Many still find it hard to stay home during pandemic, worry about mental health during isolation

March 24, 2020

Most people are motivated to physically separate themselves from others to help stop the spread of coronavirus, a UW survey shows, but obligations to work and family and mental health concerns make staying apart a challenge.

Taking survey can help thwart COVID-19, spread Wisconsin Idea

March 20, 2020

Based on your responses, a UW–Madison team will design a social media campaign to successfully encourage healthy behavior.

How to keep young children learning on the home front

March 20, 2020

UW–Madison educator and family engagement researcher Lorena Mancilla has some advice on how to create spaces and establish routines for learning and working effectively from home.

Six possible impacts of COVID-19 on farming

March 18, 2020

Only time will reveal the severity of the impacts on agriculture from the novel coronavirus. Here is what farmers, farming families, ag employers and ag employees need to be aware of and plan for.

Managing finances in tough times

March 12, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has us all thinking about how to keep our loved ones and ourselves healthy and safe. Added to this stress is the uncertainly about economic conditions and how this may affect our personal finances, says financial capability specialist Peggy Olive.

School’s first La Follette Forum will be devoted to health policy

February 25, 2020

The president of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation will give the opening keynote address March 2 at the forum, which is expected to draw nearly 400 policymakers, community leaders, and researchers from across the state.

New UW–Madison Odyssey Project program offers college credit — and hope — to people in prison

February 24, 2020

In Odyssey Beyond Bars, 15 men gathered in a classroom at Oakhill Correctional Institution for an English 100 course to read essays and create their own.

New engineering professor outsmarted doubters, and Twitter loves it

February 19, 2020

Steffi Diem's viral tweet has been liked by nearly 50,000 people and retweeted more than 2,000 times, and hundreds are sharing their own stories of succeeding despite the doubts of others — and themselves.

Governor issues proclamation in honor of the Nelson Institute’s 50th anniversary

February 7, 2020

The institute, named for former governor, senator and Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, has worked to provide scientifically sound research on environmental challenges since 1970.