Category Society & Culture
Exhibits, performances keep campus busy on break
The pace of campus life is slowing as classes wrap up for the semester, students complete projects and papers, and final exams loom. This is a wonderful opportunity to check out the exhibits you intended to see months ago, but were too busy to attend.
Contest to fund arts entrepreneurship
Faculty and staff are encouraged to alert students to a contest that funds entrepreneurship in art. The UW–Madison New Arts Venture Challenge seeks individuals or teams of up to three to develop and present a proposal that will result in an arts event, exhibition, series or project that demonstrates creativity, innovation, added value to the arts and potential for success.
Centralized arts ticketing system has new phone number
The Wisconsin Union Theater and Vilas Hall box offices announce a new centralized Campus Arts Ticketing system and phone number.
Kohl Center light sculptures to brighten arena’s plaza
Twelve high-tech light sculptures designed and built by University of Wisconsin–Madison art professors are being placed along the two Dayton Street promenades leading to the Kohl Center.
Order tickets now for Tudor dinners
The Memorial Union will hold the 75th annual Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts next month, and tickets are now available.
Union Theater: Busy with an eclectic lineup
The Wisconsin Union Theater has a knack for booking some of the hottest and most interesting performers around. That talent will be obvious in the next few weeks, as the theater is especially busy with an eclectic lineup that includes world music, tap dance, Cajun folk music, and songs and ballads with medieval and contemporary influences.