Photo gallery Campus blossoms
Warming temperatures last week brought campus to its full spring glory, as flowers bloomed and the lawns and docks filled with students talking and playing games. Since then, a cool and rainy spell has sent more people indoors, but the promise of warmer days lies ahead.

Photo by: Taylor Wolfram
The warming temperatures brought plenty of people out onto Goodspeed Family Pier to soak in the spring sunshine.
Photo by: Taylor Wolfram
Students play spikeball on the front lawn of Gordon Dining and Event Center.
Photo by: Taylor Wolfram
A student passes the ball while playing volleyball on the Witte sand court.
Photo by: Taylor Wolfram
Members of the Spirit Squad, including Sangsuri Moua (top), Kent Jorgenson (left), and Max Meyer (right) practice stunts in front of Gordon Dining and Event Center.
Photo by: Taylor Wolfram
As the temperatures warm, students flock to Goodspeed Family Pier to watch the sun set over Lake Mendota.Tags: recent sightings, student life