Photo gallery At investiture, new chancellor commits to making a difference
On Friday, April 14, an investiture ceremony installed Chancellor Jennifer L. Mnookin as the 30th leader of the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The event included poetry evoking campus life, music, humorous stories and advice from former chancellors and deep praise from Mnookin’s colleagues. The highlight of the ceremony came when UW Regents President Karen Walsh placed the medallion on Mnookin, formally installing her as chancellor.
“I feel enormously grateful to be here, but this day and this celebration are really not about me. They’re about us, and a university grown from a deep-rooted commitment to making a genuine and positive difference across Wisconsin, our country, and the globe,” Mnookin told the audience of about 400 who filled the concert hall at Hamel Music Center.

Photo by: Althea Dotzour
Before the ceremony, Stanford University Professor Deirdre Lyell, a UW–Madison alumna, poses for a selfie with Joshua Foa Dienstag, professor of political science and Chancellor Mnookin’s husband.
Photo by: Althea Dotzour
From left to right, Nancy Lynch, vice chancellor for legal affairs; Rob Cramer, vice chancellor for finance and administration; Lori Reesor, vice chancellor for student affairs; Provost John Karl Scholz; and Chief Diversity Officer LaVar Charleston, before the ceremony.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Chancellor Mnookin enters the hall at Hamel Music Center during the academic processional prior to the investiture ceremony.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Former chancellor Donna Shalala related how she called up a student with a reminder to telephone his mother.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Northwestern University President Michael Schill evokes laughter with a humorous story.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
Regents President Karen Walsh and Chancellor Mnookin embrace just after Walsh placed the medallion on Mnookin, formally installing her as chancellor.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Having just received a medallion with the UW–Madison Numen Lumen insignia from UW System Board of Regents President Karen Walsh, Chancellor Mnookin shows her appreciation.
Photo by: Jeff Miller
About 400 people filled the concert hall at Hamel Music Center for the ceremony.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
While Chancellor Mnookin speaks, the others on stage listen. Sitting down, bottom row from left are: Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers; UW System President Jay Rothman; UW System Board of Regents President Karen Walsh; UW–Madison Professor Brian D. McInnes, a member of the Ojibwe and Potawatomi Nations; and Northwestern University President Michael H. Schill. Top row, left to right are former Chancellor Donna Shalala; former Chancellor David Ward; former Chancellor John D. Wiley; UW–Madison Professor Lauren Papp; ASM Chair Ndemazea Fonkem; and graduate student Aurora Shimshak, who read a poem she wrote.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Chancellor Mnookin said the Wisconsin Idea has a "multiplier effect," generating benefit to the state, the nation and the world.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Chancellor Jennifer Mnookin, joined by Gov. Tony Evers to her right and former UW chancellors Donna Shalala, David Ward and John Wiley behind her, join the audience in singing Varsity.
Photo by: Bryce Richter
Chancellor Mnookin and her husband, Professor Joshua Foa Dienstag, walk through a line of UW Marching Band members playing after the investiture ceremony.Tags: chancellor, Investiture, leadership, milestones