Photo gallery A beautiful day to say thanks to employees
The weather was ideal on Tuesday, July 20, for the first of three UW–Madison employee appreciation events. About 800 people stopped by the Sunburst to Sunset Terrace Appreciation Day during the morning for coffee and a pastry. Even Bucky Badger made an appearance. From 2 p.m. to close, staff and faculty will get free popcorn (while supplies last) in Der Stiftskiller. The next two events are UW Movie Night at Camp Randall on July 27 and a Campus Ice Cream Social on Aug. 4. Details are here.

Staff photo by Craig Wild
Employees enjoyed a free cup of coffee and pastry.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
Bucky was in demand to liven up selfies.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
The event was a way to thank employees and celebrate a campus reopening this fall.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
Employees happily greeted each other on the Terrace.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
It was a welcome relief for many to talk with coworkers in person, not on a Zoom call.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
The weather was ideal at the employee appreciation event, with morning sunshine and a summer breeze.
Staff photo by Craig Wild
Bucky and employees chat about their plans for the fall, when campus will reopen to more in-person activities.