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Tag School of Veterinary Medicine

Notable graduates: Sara Greenslit — Novelist grabs second career in animal care

May 13, 2008

Sara Greenslit, a returning adult student, has always had dual interest in art and science. She completed a pre-veterinary degree in biology at the College of Charleston, S.C., in 1992.

T cell immunity enhanced by timing of interleukin-7 therapy

February 1, 2008

That the cell nurturing growth factor interleukin-7 can help ramp up the ability of the immune system to remember the pathogenic villains it encounters is well known.

Low vaccination rate of U.S. puppies and kittens poses larger risks

January 22, 2008

It's hard to believe that in an advanced country like the United States, fewer than half of all puppies and kittens are being vaccinated. Yet that's exactly what was found in a study recently completed by UW–Madison and Dane County veterinarians.

Wisconsin veterinarian honored by American Association of Bovine Practitioners

October 2, 2007

Garrett R. Oetzel, a food animal production medicine veterinarian at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, received the 2007 AABP Alpharma Award of Excellence during the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on September 22, 2007.

Major donor underwrites Equine Veterinary Referral Center

September 11, 2007

The new Morrie Waud Equine Center, a facility designed to train veterinary medicine students from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, is now officially open for business.

New ophthalmologist joins School of Veterinary Medicine

August 30, 2007

Elizabeth Adkins, a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist, has joined the staff at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, effective Aug. 22.

Features of replication suggest viruses have common themes, vulnerabilities

August 14, 2007

A study of the reproductive apparatus of a model virus is bolstering the idea that broad classes of viruses - including those that cause important human diseases such as AIDS, SARS and hepatitis C - have features in common that could eventually make them vulnerable to broad-spectrum antiviral agents.

Curiosities: How well do dogs see at night?

July 18, 2007

A lot better than we do, says Paul Miller, clinical professor of comparative ophthalmology at University of Wisconsin–Madison. “Dogs have evolved…

Curiosities: What are teeth made of?

May 7, 2007

Built for crunching and chewing, teeth mostly consist of hard, inorganic minerals like calcium. But they also contain nerves, blood vessels and specialized cells…

Healing chronic wounds through use of nanoscale surfaces

April 25, 2007

It’s both costly and frustrating when doctors are unable to heal persistent wounds, such as diabetic ulcers or pressure sores in patients with limited mobility. Traditional treatments are often less than satisfactory. But thanks to funding from the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery seed grant program, UW–Madison researchers have been freed to explore a novel and revolutionary approach to coaxing persistent wounds to heal.

Drug-resistant flu virus emerges in untreated patients

April 3, 2007

Flu viruses with reduced sensitivity to the front-line drugs used to thwart and treat infection have been found in patients who were not treated with the drugs, according to an international team of researchers.

UW researcher and spinoff company to receive MIT technology awards

March 6, 2007

The MIT Club of Wisconsin, a state association for alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is recognizing a University of Wisconsin–Madison influenza researcher and a bioscience spinoff company on Friday at its annual Technology Achievement Awards banquet.

State shortage of large animal veterinarians looms

February 22, 2007

In recent years, the University of Wisconsin–Madison's School of Veterinary Medicine has noted fewer of its students enrolling in food animal courses. Looking ahead, that could cause problems for the state's dairy industry as fewer veterinarians are available to meet their herds' health needs.