Tag School of Human Ecology
Panel examines student assessment of nonprofit effectiveness
November 2, 2011Students in Lori Bakken's interdisciplinary studies graduate course learned organizational evaluation skills while providing a solid answer to a growing conundrum: How can a nonprofit agency demonstrate its programs' effectiveness?
Kohl’s chairman presents guest lecture to business, retailing students
September 30, 2011“A brand is a promise,” Kevin Mansell, chairman, president and CEO of Kohl’s Department Stores, told over 500 students in two sessions of a Wisconsin School of Business course, Marketing in the Real World II, on Sept. 28. Kohl’s market positioning statement, “expect great things” is not only a promise to its customers, but also to its suppliers, investors, and 135,000 associates.
Stuff ‘n’ food: Can collectible toys overcome fascination with fast food?
September 28, 2011Every parent seems to know what McDonald's knows: Food and toys outsell food alone. But could toys be used to promote the sale of healthy food as well as calorie-rich fast food?
Kids at work: Contractor uses goats to clear hillside
July 28, 2011The School of Human Ecology building project on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus attracted numerous visitors this week, as contractor J.P. Cullen & Sons used goats to clear brush from a steep hillside. Thirty-two goats from The Green Goats, of Burlington, Wis., chomped tunnels through dense vegetation and walked up to the construction fence to check out the visitors.
New human ecology building will have new name
July 13, 2011When the School of Human Ecology opens its doors on its new and renovated building on Linden Drive in 2012, it will have a new name.
Douthitt to step down as dean of School of Human Ecology
July 1, 2011Robin A. Douthitt, longtime dean of the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Human Ecology, will step down in the summer of 2012.
Design Gallery director creates the extraordinary from the ordinary
June 27, 2011Though she depends on modern technology, Lisa Frank’s work has a decidedly Victorian flair. Like famed Victorian textile designer William Morris, she uses patterns to create order out of the wild natural world, turning elegant snapshots of nature into intricate tapestries.
Webcast, research detail best practices in media making to improve immigrant health
May 18, 2011New Routes to Community Health announces the publication of "Immigrant Media Making - New Voices for Community Health."
“La Moda Processa” to take place at Monona Terrace Saturday
May 3, 2011On Saturday, May 7, the School of Human Ecology and the Textile and Apparel Student Association (TASA) will host their annual design gallery and fashion show at Monona Terrace. Showcasing the work of apparel, textile and interior design students, the show is named "La Moda Processa," highlighting the phases of design.
Karen Holden advises Sesame Street financial education initiative
May 2, 2011Karen Holden, UW–Madison Center for Financial Security affiliate and professor emerita of consumer science in the School of Human Ecology, served as an adviser on the recently launched Sesame Street financial education initiative "For Me, for You, for Later: First Steps to Spending, Sharing, and Saving."
Morgridge Center supports initiatives through matching grant program
January 27, 2011The Morgridge Center for Public Service at the University of Wisconsin–Madison recently awarded 11 matching grants totaling $334,739 to support service learning, community-based research or civic engagement work by UW–Madison faculty and researchers in the areas of education, environment or health.
UW-Madison design studies co-sponsors international conference
October 14, 2010The design studies department and Design Gallery at the University of Wisconsin–Madison are co-sponsoring Architecture in Perspective 25, the international conference of the American Society of Architectural Illustrators (ASAI), in Madison on Oct. 20-24.
Federal grant to bolster consumer financial education at UW–Madison
September 30, 2010The Social Security Administration has awarded $3.1 million to support research on financial education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Research examines the price of prison for children
August 9, 2010It comes as no surprise that many children suffer when a parent is behind bars. But as rates of incarceration grew over the past 30 years, researchers were slow to focus on the collateral damage to children.
Study details autism’s heavy toll beyond childhood on marriages
August 3, 2010The parents of grown children with autism are more likely to divorce than couples with typically developing children, according to new data from a large longitudinal study of families of adolescents and adults with autism.
Center to study community organizations’ role in infant mortality issue
July 22, 2010The University of Wisconsin Center for Nonprofits will study the role nonprofit/community-based health and social service organizations played in reducing disparities in infant mortality. A $50,000 award provided through the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research was announced this week and will make the research effort possible.
UW-Madison faculty member receives grant to increase child, family well-being
July 21, 2010A University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty member has received an award from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to increase the well-being of children and families by advancing evidence-based policymaking.
Study shows need for teacher training in personal finance
June 8, 2010While 89 percent of K-12 teachers agree that students should either take a financial education course or pass a competency test for personal finance before graduating from high school, relatively few teachers believe they are adequately prepared to teach such topics, according to a study by two University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers.
Putting politics aside: Using evidence to develop policy
May 19, 2010The authors of a new book about informing policymaking with research have devoted their careers to bridging the gap between the research and public policy communities.
Human Ecology to break ground on new building
April 27, 2010University Preschool children in hardhats will assist at the School of Human Ecology groundbreaking at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 30, at 1300 Linden Drive.