Tag Research
Dancing bacteria? Engineers explore microbial choreography
Birds fly together in flocks. Fish swim together in schools. Everyone has seen the beautiful, seemingly choreographed motions these collections of organisms can exhibit. But surely bacteria, which have no eyes or brain, cannot behave in such a coordinated way. In fact, they do, and researchers are beginning to learn how.
Hummingbirds get some energy the easy way: passively
When it comes to energy metabolism, hummingbirds are the heavyweight champions of vertebrates. Pound for pound, the thumb-sized birds have higher energy demands than elephants.
Study: Job satisfaction varies between independent and organization-hired doctors
Wisconsin family physicians employed by large health care organizations are less happy on the job and more likely to want to leave than those in independent practice, according to a study published in the Dec. 6, 2005 issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.
Scientists seek clear-sky definition of clouds
Atmospheric scientists - Earth's professional cloud-gazers - have learned a great deal about clouds over the decades, particularly with the advent of satellites during the 1960s and 70s. But despite years of research and the emergence of increasingly sophisticated tools, scientists are still at odds over one of the most basic issues of all: how to define a cloud.
INSITE receives grant for research into entrepreneurship
The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has awarded a three-year, $125,000 collaborative research grant to the Initiative for Studies in Technology Entrepreneurship (INSITE).
Joe McCarthy and the Press
While a Hollywood film revisits the 1950s anti-communist furor spawned by the late Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy, a Wisconsin journalist's book studying the politician's relationship with the media of his day has also been reintroduced to bookshelves.
Two receive Women’s Philanthropy Council ‘Champion’ awards
An assistant dean in the School of Education and the coordinator of new faculty services in the office of the Secretary of the Faculty are the recipients of the inaugural Women's Philanthropy Council (WPC) Champion Awards at UW–Madison.
Book Smart
The Vikings: scourge of the seas, masters of the strategic rampage, fearsome warriors of the frozen North… Actually, this somewhat lopsided view…