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$7.2 million grant to aid search for ALS stem cell therapy

September 20, 2007

With the help of a $7.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a team of University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers will explore the potential of stem cells and natural growth factors to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.

Wisconsin MBA ranked 32nd by Wall Street Journal

September 17, 2007

The Wisconsin MBA program of the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business was ranked 32nd in the regional category in this year's Wall Street Journal/Harris Interactive ranking of MBA programs.

Major donor underwrites Equine Veterinary Referral Center

September 11, 2007

The new Morrie Waud Equine Center, a facility designed to train veterinary medicine students from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, is now officially open for business.

Basic research robust in face of more university patenting

September 10, 2007

A UW–Madison study of more than 1,800 U.S. life scientists found that, despite an explosion in academic patenting in recent years, most life science professors still do research the "old-fashioned" way: they win federal grants, publish results in scientific journals, and graduate Ph.D. students.

National Stem Cell Bank announces addition of new cell lines

September 7, 2007

The National Stem Cell Bank has announced that it has received select human embryonic stem cell lines from Novocell, a leading stem cell engineering company based in San Diego. With the addition of the new lines, the National Stem Cell Bank will have on deposit 14 of the 21 cell lines listed on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) federal registry.

National experts offer predictions and insights at Economic Outlook Conference

September 5, 2007

Four leading economists will share their insights and predictions for the 2008 economy and beyond at the University of Wisconsin–Madison's Economic Outlook Conference on Friday, September 14 at the Fluno Center for Executive Education in Madison.

Beijing seminar helps Wisconsin dairies build a bridge to China

September 4, 2007

Along the northern and northeastern borders of China, traditionally considered the country's dairy belt, daily life can resemble a scene from a Wisconsin of a bygone era. But Chinese dairy farmers aren't facing the hurdles of modernization alone. To help them meet their lofty goals, they are turning to a state that knows a thing or two about building a dairy industry: Wisconsin.

Study explores real factors behind declining housing prices

September 4, 2007

Housing prices are likely to fall further, but not for the reasons usually cited, according to an "Economic Commentary" published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and co-authored by University of Wisconsin–Madison business faculty.

UW-Madison among Hartwell Foundation’s 2007 top ten biomedical research centers

August 20, 2007

For the second year in a row, the Hartwell Foundation of Memphis, Tenn., has named the University of Wisconsin–Madison as one of its Top Ten Centers of Biomedical Research.

Wisconsin MBA moves up 15 spots in Forbes ranking

August 17, 2007

The Wisconsin MBA moved up 15 spots in a national ranking released today of MBA programs by Forbes magazine. The Wisconsin MBA was ranked 27th, compared to 42nd in 2005, the last time the biennial ranking was conducted.

Veterinary professor improves Wisconsin dairy industry

August 8, 2007

Ken Nordlund still remembers the skeptical face at the back of the room as he and his colleagues introduced the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine's new Transition Cow Index (TCI) to dairy farmers from around the state.