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Global engineering forum targets looming engineering shortage

November 13, 2007

The United States and the world face severe shortages of engineers by the year 2025, according to research based on U.S. Bureau of Labor data. The challenge of developing leaders in the changing engineering and technical workforce will be explored during the third annual University of Wisconsin–Madison Engineering Executives Forum.

Computer scientist forges new line of defense against malicious traffic

November 5, 2007

Paul Barford has watched malicious traffic on the Internet evolve from childish pranks to a billion-dollar "shadow industry" in the last decade, and his profession has largely been one step behind the bad guys.

Sustainability strategist speaks at business forum

October 31, 2007

Stuart Hart, one of the world’s leading authorities on the implications of sustainable development and environmentalism for business strategy, will be the keynote speaker at a free public forum on business, environment and social responsibility.

Distinguished engineering alumni honored

October 25, 2007

In recognition of their outstanding contributions to fields ranging from nanotechnology and information management to medicine, materials and agriculture, the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Engineering will honor nine influential alumni on Oct. 26 at the 60th annual Engineers' Day celebration.

UW center will lead efforts to expand farm-to-school programs in Midwest

October 22, 2007

The Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has been named as lead agency in a six-state area for a new national program to encourage schools to serve more locally grown food.

Study finds dairy farming a satisfying profession — on farms big and small

October 17, 2007

What type of dairy farmer would you expect to be more satisfied with life? One who owns a large confinement farm and milks hundreds of cows, or one who milks fewer than 100 cows and relies mostly on family labor? It turns out that both answers are right.

Hot subjects—Environmental Studies 900: ‘Working Toward Regional Sustainable Development’

October 4, 2007

As the demand for greener companies and communities continues to rise nationwide, UW–Madison is responding by offering new courses on the environment and sustainability.

WARF announces new hires and promotions

October 1, 2007

The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) has announced promotions for Michael E. Falk and Emily Bauer, and the hires of a communications director, Janet L. Kelly, and two licensing professionals, Craig Heim for start-up companies, and Mark Stoveken for pharmaceutical licensing.

Summit aims at developing women as catalysts for change

September 25, 2007

The University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Business will host its fifth annual Women's Executive Leadership Summit from Oct. 2-4 at the Fluno Center for Executive Education in Madison.

New book looks at public perception and media treatment of GMOs

September 24, 2007

Although the vast majority of Americans are blithely unaware, the United States and its system of food production is irreversibly hitched to modern biotechnology. In short, most people unwittingly and regularly consume food that was produced through genetic engineering.

$7.2 million grant to aid search for ALS stem cell therapy

September 20, 2007

With the help of a $7.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a team of University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers will explore the potential of stem cells and natural growth factors to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.