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Questions sought for Division of the Arts director finalists

April 15, 2021 By Käri Knutson

Have something to ask finalists for the next director of the Division of the Arts? Suggested questions can be submitted through April 19 to Carole Kolb at

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, presentations by finalists from the internal search will be prerecorded and include responses to a set of questions asked by Soyeon Shim, search committee chair and dean of the School of Human Ecology. Information on the finalists is available on the Director of the Division of the Arts search site. Presentations will be posted by May 6, after all the finalists have been interviewed.

The Division of the Arts supports and promotes the mission of academic arts departments and affiliated partners by raising the visibility of UW–Madison arts for all UW–Madison students, faculty and staff, as well as the broader community. The DotA works closely with nine academic departments and over 60 institutes, groups and other academic units affiliated with the division, involving approximately 100 faculty and staff members from across campus.

Susan Zaeske, associate dean for arts and humanities in the College of Letters & Science, has been serving as interim director since September 2019.