Jean Manchester Biddick Professor of Women’s Health Molly Carnes, also of industrial and systems engineering, was one of seven selected as 2008 fellows of the Association for Women in Science
The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene has appointed Gordana Raca as cytogenetics section director.
Three faculty and staff members were honored for outstanding volunteer work on behalf of last fall’s Partners in Giving campaign; Gary Sandefur, dean of the College of Letters and Science, received a Governor’s Award for his efforts as chair the campaign’s university coordinating committee; and Frank Kooistra, associate dean for planning and administration in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and Brian Rust, communications manager for the Division of Information Technology, each received a Secretary’s Award.
For a record eighth consecutive time, the men’s track and field team won the Big Ten Conference Indoor Championships.
Paul DeLuca, School of Medicine and Public Health, was named the first Rennebohm Research Professor.
Regina Murphy, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, was named Smith-Bascom Professor.
The following faculty members have been awarded sabbaticals for the 2008–09 academic year: Sandra Adell, Afro-American studies; Caitilyn Allen, plant pathology; Jennifer Angus, School of Human Ecology; Teresa Balser, soil science; Vernon Barger, physics; Amy Quan Barry, English; Katarzyna Beilin, Spanish and Portuguese; Michael Bernard-Donals, English; Ned Blackhawk, history; Daniel Bolt, educational psychology; Geoffrey Borman, educational leadership and policy analysis; Leslie Bow, English and Asian American studies; Michael Brighouse, philosophy; Mark Browne, actuarial science and risk management and insurance; Thomas Brunold, chemistry; Maria Cancian, LaFollette Public Affairs and Social Work; Claudia Card, philosophy; Duncan Carlsmith, physics; Russ Castronovo, English; Francesco Cerrina, electrical and computer engineering; Laurie Beth Clark, art; Clifton Conrad, educational leadership and policy analysis; Susan Coppersmith, physics; Mark Csikszentmihalyi, East Asian languages and literature; Jack Damer, art; Guillermina De Ferrari, Spanish and Portuguese; Juan DePablo, chemical and biological engineering; Patricia Devine, psychology; Alexander Dolinin, Slavic languages and literature; Wei Dong, environment, textile and design; Robert Drechsel, journalism and mass communication; Henry Drewal, art history; Thomas Dubois, Scandinavian studies; Heather Dubrow, English; Randall Dunham, management and human resources; Juan Egea, Spanish and Portuguese; Anne Enke, Women’s studies; Nan Enstad, history; Mark Eriksson, physics; Kristin Eschenfelder, library and information studies; Donna Fernandez, botany; Myra Ferree, sociology; Nicola Ferrier, mechanical engineering; Halina Filipowicz, Slavic languages; Edward Frees, School of Business; Frank Fronczak, mechanical engineering; Joan Fujimura, sociology; Michael Fultz, educational policy studies; Kenneth George, anthropology; Jess Gilbert, rural sociology; Diane Gooding, psychology; Mary Halloran, zoology/anatomy; Mark Harrower, geography; Richard Hartel, food science; Ian Hiskens, electrical and computer engineering; James Hodder, School of Business, Larry Hunter, School of Business; Meyer Jackson, physiology; Jerlando Jackson, educational leadership and policy analysis; Somesh Jha, computer science; Clark Johnson, geology and geophysics; Charles Kalish, educational psychology; Ben-Tzion Karsh, industrial and systems engineering; Catherine Kautsky, School of Music; Daniel Clay Kelly, geology and geophysics; Vance Kepley, communication arts; Laura Kiessling, chemistry and biochemistry; Sung Kim, School of Business; Jee-Seon Kim, educational psychology; Kyung-Sun Kim, School of Library and Information Studies; Alexander Kiselev, mathematics; Keith Kluender, psychology; James LaGro Jr., urban and regional planning; Yafei Li, linguistics; Zheng-yu Liu, atmospheric and oceanic sciences; Mark Louden, German; Stephen Lucas, communication arts; Kimber Malmgren, rehabilitation psychology and special education; Stephen Malpezzi, real estate and urban land economics; B. Venkat Mani, German; Melanie Manion, political science and LaFollette School of Public Affairs; David Marcouiller, urban and regional planning; Catherine Marler, psychology; Nancy Marshall, art history; James McKeown, classics; M. Giovanna Merli, sociology; Paul Milewski, mathematics; Barton Miller, computer sciences; David Morgan, history; Paul Nadasdy, anthropology; Paul Nealey, chemical and biological engineering; Daniel Noguera, civil and environmental engineering; Tejumola Olaniyan, African language and literature; Pamela Oliver, sociology; Grant Petty, atmospheric and oceanic sciences; Quitman Phillips, art history; Joshua Posner, agronomy; Bradley Postle, psychology; Patrick Rumble, French and Italian; William Sandholm, economics; Michael Schatzberg, political science; Michael Schulte, electrical and computer engineering; Andreas Seeger, mathematics; Gay Seidman, sociology; Sherrill Sellers, social work; Timo Seppalainen, mathematics; Russell Shafer-Landau, philosophy; David Shaffer, educational psychology; Hemant Shah, journalism and mass communication; Ben Shen, pharmaceutical sciences; Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, English; Gary Shiu, physics; Aseema Sinha, political science; Wesley Smith, physics; Gurindar Sohi, computer sciences; Paul Sondel, pediatrics; Emily Stanley, zoology; Karen Steudel, zoology; John Stevens, School of Music; James Stewart, curriculum and instruction; Robert Streiffer, medical history and bioethics/philosophy; J. Craig Thompson, marketing; Dieter Van Melkebeek, computer sciences; Dharmaraj Veeramani, industrial engineering; Grace Wahba, statistics; Donald Waller, botany; Urban Wemmerlov, operations and information management; Andre Wink, history; Steven Winspur, French and Italian; Erik Wright, sociology; Jason Yaeger, anthropology; Martin Zanni, chemistry; David A. Zimmerman, English; and David R. Zimmerman, industrial and systems engineering.
Tags: faculty awards, staff awards