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DoIT reminds computer users to change passwords

January 30, 2007

Computer hackers prey on weak or easy passwords. Once they acquire your password, they can masquerade as you, getting access to files, e-mail, research, finances, personal information and more.

Nursing professor finds true calling in ‘working upstream’

January 30, 2007

A few years into her nursing career, Susan Zahner realized that her professional future lay in “working upstream from where people generally see nurses,” she says. “I wanted my career to be about prevention and about helping people where they live, in their communities and homes.”

Enzyme plays dual role in cancer spread

January 29, 2007

Before cancer cells can migrate, or metastasize, to other parts of the body, they first have to disconnect from their neighbors in the tumor. A team of University of Wisconsin–Madison and Canadian scientists has made a surprising discovery: The same enzyme that controls the ability of cancer cells to move also governs a process that binds them tightly in place.

WARF’s director named to national patent advisory committee

January 25, 2007

The leader of the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) has become the first person from a university patent management office to serve on a committee that helps guide the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Silicon medicines may be effective in humans

January 24, 2007

University of Wisconsin–Madison scientists have shown that silicon — the stuff of computer chips, glass and pottery — may have extraordinary therapeutic value for treating human disease.

UW survey finds foreign investors favor U.S. and New York City real estate

January 24, 2007

The United States remains the preferred country for foreign investors' real estate dollars, according to a University of Wisconsin–Madison survey of global real estate investors released today.

Construction manager chosen for Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

January 23, 2007

Findorff Mortenson, a joint venture of J.H. Findorff & Son of Madison and M.A. Mortenson of Minneapolis, will build the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and the Morgridge Institute for Research on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus, officials announced today (Jan. 23).

UW-Madison college targets federal bioenergy initiative

January 23, 2007

The University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is leading efforts to bring a new federal bioenergy research and development center to Wisconsin, the college's dean told a group of bioscience industry leaders today.