Campus news Latest News
Madison JASON ’97 Web Site Hits the Air
UW-Madison Sea Grant is developing Madison JASON '97 on behalf of the 4th- through 8th-grade Madison-area students and their teachers.
Does Grazing Contribute to Groundwater Contamination?
Managed rotational grazing on deep silt-loam soils does not appear to contribute to groundwater contamination, say researchers from the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center at UW–Madison.
Cantor Testifies Before Senate Hearing on TV Ratings
Joanne Cantor, professor of communication arts at UW–Madison, testified at the end of February before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
Coaches Bennett and Albright-Dieterle Go On Camera for Good Causes
During a month when all hoops attention seems focused on the court, UW–Madison men's basketball coach Dick Bennett and women's coach Jane Albright-Dieterle will both be appearing in public service announcements on local TV.
Economist Lampman Dies
Robert J. Lampman, emeritus professor of economics, former chairman of the Department of Economics and adviser to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, died March 4 of lung cancer at age 76.
CBS Evening News To Cover Cloning Research
CBS Evening News plans to run a genetic cloning story Thursday, March 6 that will likely feature animal scientist Neal First or members of his team, and bioethicist Alta Charo.
Regents To Take Action on Investment Policy
The UW System Board of Regents will update its investment policy at its March 6-7 meeting.
UW artist-in-residence creates mural for West High
A partnership between Tandem Press, the University of Wisconsin–Madison's fine arts press, and West High School is making possible a new mural in the school by an internationally acclaimed artist.
Non-mainstream Groups Find
Community Through Films at UW
Organizers of several film series say an important function of their programs is building community, forging important ties to the external community, as well as strengthening bonds among members of a particular group.
Canine Design: Students Create Tools for Service Dogs
With a $300 budget and abundant creativity, freshman engineering students have created two clever products that have clients smiling and tails wagging at the Wisconsin Academy for Graduate Service Dogs (WAGS).
Nine Faculty Honored for Mid-Career Promise
Nine University of Wisconsin–Madison professors have received a financial boost to their research at mid-career, a time when years of carefully cultivated scholarship can yield great returns.
Ten Faculty Receive Awards for Early Excellence
Ten recently tenured University of Wisconsin–Madison professors have been rewarded for early excellence in their fields by receiving prestigious 1997 Romnes Fellowships.
Several Graduate Programs Fare Well in U.S. News Rankings
Several academic programs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison have earned high ratings in U.S. News and World Report's 1997 ranking of graduate programs.
Smith to Head 150th Celebration
Peyton Smith has been named coordinator of the UW–Madison's Sesquicentennial activities by Chancellor David Ward, it was announced last week.
Three Awarded Sloan Fellowships
Three University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty are among 100 scholars nationwide who have been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships, which are intended to help promising young scientists establish laboratories and programs of research.
Borgerding Leaving UW
Eric Borgerding, special assistant to the chancellor for state relations, has accepted a position as director of legislative relations at Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce.
Initial Reaction To Budget Is Optimistic
UW-Madison officials are still sifting and winnowing through Gov. Tommy Thompson's 2,100-page budget for 1997-99, but their initial reaction is: Better than last time.
Pay Raise, Tuition Issues Unanswered in Budget
The biggest budget question for UW–Madison this biennium is faculty and academic staff pay raises -- but Gov. Tommy Thompson's proposed 1997-99 budget does not give an immediate answer.
TAs Rally for Tuition Waiver
Members of the Teaching Assistants' Association at UW–Madison rallied Thursday for a permanent tuition waiver in their next union contract.
Humanities Conference to Consider ‘Contact and Power’
Contact and Power: Transgressions in the Borderlands of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Encounter, March 7-9.