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L&S students reap national honors

April 30, 1999

Five undergraduates in the College of Letters and Science have earned prestigious national awards.

Hilldale undergraduate awards listed

April 30, 1999

A list of recipients, their faculty advisers and department or program.

Hilldale recipient creates artistic spectacles

April 30, 1999

1999 Hilldale Undergraduate Research Award winner Richard Nelipovich wants people to think of their glasses as "jewelry for the face." The UW–Madison senior in the School of Art is designing eyeglass frames that are innovative, distinctive and at times wildly impractical.

Campus libraries plan electronic catalog upgrade

April 30, 1999

A new electronic catalog is coming soon to libraries here and on other UW System campuses - overdue and just in the nick of time.

Douthitt named interim dean of human ecology

April 30, 1999

Robin Douthitt, consumer science professor at UW–Madison, has been named interim dean of the School of Human Ecology.

Pre-tax payment provision to offset parking fee hike

April 30, 1999

Most faculty and staff who drive to work will pay an extra $15 to $60 next year to park on campus, but those increases will be offset by a new pre-tax deduction program for parking fees.

Economy triples Vilas Trust funds

April 30, 1999

Due to the healthy economy and a one-time capital gains increase, Vilas Trust money available for spending in 1999-2000 will be about three times larger than usual.

Climate change symposium warms up geology celebration

April 30, 1999

Global warming and sustainable development will be the topic of a public symposium Saturday, May 7, as the Department of Geology and Geophysics celebrates 150 years of Wisconsin earth science.

Festival for interarts and technology tonight

April 30, 1999

Art, technology and people intersect at the Festival for Interarts and Technology (FIAT), 6-10 p.m. Friday, April 30 at Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Ave.

Sesquicentennial ice cream goes on sale this weekend

April 30, 1999

The winning flavor in UW–Madison's statewide contest to create an ice cream flavor honoring the university's sesquicentennial will soon go on sale.

Distinguished alumni honored for worldwide impact

April 29, 1999

The Wisconsin Alumni Association this year for the first time will present Distinguished Alumni Awards to both domestic and international alumni.

Two students named Goldwater scholars

April 29, 1999

Two UW–Madison students have been named Barry M. Goldwater scholars: Pallavi P. Gopal, a senior in molecular biology from Brookfield, and Anders C. Olson, a senior in zoology from Sun Prairie.

Rouse issues statement regarding death of student

April 29, 1999

UW-Madison Dean of Students Mary Rouse issued the following statement late yesterday afternoon (April 28) regarding the death of student Tyler Kelley.

TAA celebrates 30 years of activism

April 29, 1999

The oldest graduate student union in the nation celebrates three decades of existence starting Thursday, April 29, with four days of events planned to highlight its storied history.

Law school partners with Russian university

April 28, 1999

The UW Law School is partnering with a Russian university to strengthen international legal education.

History student receives prestigious Mellon scholarship

April 28, 1999

Sarah E. Klimenko, a senior in history and political science, is one of 98 winners nationwide of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies competition, the only national humanities graduate award.

Panel to consider downtown Madison film scene

April 28, 1999

The future of independent film screenings in Madison will be under consideration Sunday, May 2, as a panel convenes for the Great Wisconsin Film Festival.

Forum focuses on Montessori education

April 28, 1999

The Department of Agricultural Journalism and Montessori Children's House are co-hosting an informational forum at 260 Union South, on Thursday, April 29, from 7-9 p.m. The forum will focus on the Montessori method of education.

Virtually Victorian

April 27, 1999

Students taking a course called "The Woman Question in Victorian Literature and Culture," taught by English professor Susan Bernstein, have found a "space" outside the classroom, a space that's engaging and informative, a space that makes the classroom a better place to be.

Askey elected to National Academy of Sciences

April 27, 1999

The National Academy of Sciences today (April 27) announced the election of mathematics professor Richard A. Askey to membership in the prestigious organization.